I have 3 CIP work available now. If interested, pls sms lexin CL @ 83883490 for coy 1 or Catherine CL @ 97400696
1) Yeoman service for wushu competition
I need 15 guides (art fest volunteer, pls do not volunteer for this cip as i dont want you to tired yourself out). It will be on 3 April from 11am-5.30pm at our school ISH level 2. Please report to Mr Ambert Khoo if you are selected.
2) * Volunteer for toa payoh sports hall
I need 15 guides on 12 April from 9am-5.30pm . Please report to Mr Ambert Khoo at 8.45am if you are selected.
3) * Volunteer for toa payoh sports hall
I need 15 guides on 13 April from 9am-5.30pm . Please report to Mr Ambert Khoo at 8.45am if you are selected.
* I hope more sec 2 and 1 can volunteer on the 13 April event.
Excuse slip will be given during days that you all have to miss lesson.
Sms us in the following format:
1) Full name
2) Class
3) Handphone no.
5) CIP event that you want to take part in. (event 1, 2 or 3)