Thursday 26 April 2012

Congratulations on passing Footdrill test :)

Congratulations to the following guides who have passed their Footdrill Test that was conducted on 21st April.

Comments from tester: Need to improve on set ceremonies. Do take note!

Ng Kai Ying
Ong Si Min
Lynn Yip
Kezia Neo
Tan Si Jia
Gwendolyn Yap
Siow Jia Wen
May Ng
Shailyn Soh
Tan Jaymie
Caroline Zhang

Saturday 21 April 2012

Good news, good news!

Fifteen of our Secondary 3 guides attended flag day in support for 'The Singapore Association for the Deaf' on 14 March 2012.

I am pleased to announce that among the 842 volunteers, Siow Jia Wen emerged as the highest collector (collecting a total of $402.90).  Jia Wen has won for herself a Canon Inkjet All-In-One printer worth $199. Let's put our hands together for Jia Wen!

2nd highest collector is Ng Kai Ying who collected a total of $302.10. Keep it up, Kai Ying.

And...well done, girls!

HQ clean up!

Hi guides!

The previous HQ clean up has been postpone to 22 to 24 May, after your MYE. The timing for all 3 days are from 2-5pm. Each person can only choose 1 timeslot (1 day each only)
I need 30 volunteers, 15 from coy 1 and 15 from coy 2.

If you are interested, pls sms me @83883490.
This clean up can help us gain PNA points, and since most of you are quite free after MYE, DO JOIN!

Thanks for your help!
~Lexin CL

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Photo Order! ♥


The sample guides' photos are here already! Please sms me your order BY MONDAY! You can pass to me the photo money BY TUESDAY! 
Guides, Im sorry for the rush, but MYE is coming so it will be pretty rush for me to collate all your orders, so as far as you can, try to meet the deadline okay. :D
If you want to buy any orders (shown below), simply sms me @83883490 asap. ( best if straight after you see this post then you sms me to order [; )
Sms me your :
Photo that you want to buy (formal 1, formal 2, informal)
Note that each photo is $4. If you want to buy all three photo, it will cost $12.
YOU CAN PASS ME THE PHOTO MONEY BEFORE FRC OR AFTER SCHOOL AS LONG AS ITS BY TUESDAY. I will usually be in class at 7am, if not you can also pass the money to Isadora PS who is also in my class. I will also be in school till 6pm almost everyday before MYE, just sms me and you can come and look for me :)

 Formal 1 (without background)
 Formal 2 (with background)

Sorry about the small and unclear photo, it is the best i can do already, (i know there is some typo error where we become the girl brigade, but dont worry, it will be amended) if you are interested, just drop by my class 4 EP (located at 2nd level old block nearest to field) and i will show you the original photo :)
Please bring the EXACT amount of money when you come my class to look for me. 
Sms me your order before you come to my class to pay for the photo. If not i can also show you the photo on the spot and you can order and pay me straight away.

Note: PLS MAKE SURE YOU SMS ME THE CORRECT ORDER, esp the formal 1 and formal 2 photo, do not mixed it up!

All the best for your MYE, Guides!

~Lexin CL

Tuesday 17 April 2012

First Aid Course

Hello sec 2s and 3s!
 Anyone interested to sign up for first aid course on 16,17, 24 june? Please SMS JafQi QM by Friday 7pm. Thanks!

Color Party for Drilling Badge Guides‏

Saturday 14 April 2012

Announcement to sec 1s

Hello Sec 1s.
The following guides are to meet Jafqi QM on Monday 16 April 8am at 4MD classroom (new block fourth floor nearer to netball court).
Tan Tse Qi Rachel
Ng Shu Qing Eunice
Chua Min Yi
Lee Kah Yin
Loh Ming Li Esther
Wong Guan Min
Thank you!

Those who have yet to submit parts of your artist and craft badge are to do so on Monday morning too. Please note that you are required to write your name and class on EVERY INDIVIDUAL work and not place all in a folder with your particulars only on the folder. For artist badge, you are suppose to make 4 sets of drawings - not everything mixed together. Those who have submitted drawings which are all-in-ones, please redraw and submit it on Monday too. To label your sock puppet, either use marker to write on the sock or write on a piece of paper and then staple it to your sock. For your model, write on a piece of paper and use scotch tape to attach it. Please ensure that your name does not detach itself. Furthermore, please place your model in a container for submission. Thank you.

~Jafqi QM

Sec 2 entertainer's badge grouping

Hi Sec2s,

Kindly sms Wanting AQM at 90762703 stating the names and classes of your group members. Pls indicate your name when you sms her.
Do inform her asap if you need any props for your performance. eg. piano
Feel free to sms her if you have any queries (:

Thank you!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Singapore Duathlon National Championships 2012 CIP cert

Hi Guides,
Those that went for the Singapore Duathlon National Championships 2012 CIP held on the 25th February 2012 and have yet to hand in their CIP certificate, pls do so to Jie Er by either tomorrow (at 4CR, old block 2nd floor) or latest, Friday before activity( 13th April ). 


Entertainer badgework for sec 2

Hi Sec2 Guides!

For this badgework, you all are free to group yourselves into groups of 5 to 6 (Total 3 groups of 5 and 2 groups of 6). There will be two parts to this badge work and you all will work together to perform:)

Part 1: Perform 2 items, each lasting 2 minutes
You all will need to prepare a performance from the following categories: dancing, singing, playing an instrument, reciting. High standard is expected, such that it is suitable for a public/stage performance. Therefore, you all must remember your lines/steps and the flow of the performance must be smooth, without long pauses in between.

Requirements for each category:
Dancing – Everyone must be clear of the steps. The dance moves must be accurate and synchronised. Mass dance performance (for instance, involves clapping, stamping of feet, turning around etc.) is not accepted as it is too simple. Guides must be skillful and well prepared for this category.

Singing – The singer must have a good control of her voice during the session. Only guides who are confident of her voice should choose this category as a high standard is required for part 1 of this badge work. They are free to choose any song they are comfortable with, so that they can showcase their voice.

Play an Instrument – The simpler the instrument, the higher the standard and skills expected for the music they will perform. For instance, if they’re going to play recorder together, the notes must be played smoothly and accurately, they must be synchronised too. If they’re playing guitar/piano or anything that requires more skills, as long as they can perform the music piece well and play the notes skillfully, they will score.

Reciting – Guides can choose a short story or poem to perform. As the word reciting suggests, what they read must be from their memory, thus they will need to memorise. They can tell a story or poem by acting out (short skit with props) to make it entertaining. They can also read the story or poem in a dramatic way, using sound effects, different tones, emotions and imitations to make the performance lively and interesting.

Part 2: A 5 minutes item of 2 categories
You all will need to entertain the audience for 5 minutes with at least 2 of the following conjuring tricks: playing a portable instrument, character sketches, stories, songs and chorus, mime.
Standard of performance is not as high as required in part 1, but suitable as a simple performance for a campfire or during guides’ activity. You all will need to combine 2 categories and present as a single performance.

Requirements for each category:
Playing a portable instrument – You all can refer to a music score during the performance. Please choose a suitable instrument i.e. guitar, harmonica, keyboard, recorder, maracas, flute and etc., (piano and a drum set is not accepted as it is not portable). You all can choose to play a simple and lively tune or any other preferred music. As long as the notes are fairly accurate and synchronised, the group will score.

Stories – You all can choose their own way to tell a story, narration, reciting, skit & drama or any other way they would like to present. You can refer to a script but eye contact is essential and there must be flow in the story. However if the group make an effort to memorise and present the story with flow, you all will earn more marks.

Songs and Chorus – The group members will sing a song together, which need not be a full song but it must consist of both verses and chorus. The group can sing together and a good voice is not required. Fine singing will do and you all should be in harmony if the group members sing at the same time. You all are free to decide their song and can refer to the lyrics unlike for part 1. The group will score higher if they present a better voice and not need to refer to the lyrics.

Mime – The group members are required to act with body motions and without the use of speech. The more dramatic you all are, the clearer you all will be in portraying your roles, hence higher marks will be awarded. It is okay if you all choose to tell a story and there’s a narrator, however the other members acting must not speak. It is best if they use fewer or don't use any props and fully act out with body motion. For instance picking up something or entering through a door,  laying out the setting for audience to visualise through their body motions.

The date of performance is 2 June 2012:) If there is any changes, we will inform you. Please group yourselves before the next activity. You all must read through this post because if there's anything you are unsure of, you can clarify when we brief you all during next activity:) Do put in your best effort, practise hard, be confident, and perform well for this badge! JIA YOU! We're looking forward to your performance:D

Any questions, feel free to sms the AQMs (Wanting AQM or Vivian AQM)



Hi Sec1s!
Pls HAND IN ALL your reader's badge assignments to Zhiyun QM BY THIS FRIDAY. Any works submitted after friday WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Pls also submit your artist badge and craft badge assignments to JafQi QM if you haven done so BY THIS FRIDAY

 ~ QM :)
Who's nameless work is this? Please comment in the chatbox to inform Jafqi QM. Thanks!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Activity on 130412 :))

Hi Guides :)

This is the last activity with the Sec 4 seniors already :(((((((((((((((((( OH NO :(((((((

So put on your best attitude alright?! ;)

For activity this Friday, please fall in in guides half-uniform at 2.30pm SHARP. Please remember to cut your fingernails, pin up your fringe and tuck in your shirt neatly. Only 4 fingers high socks are allowed.
For those who have lessons ending late, please also report at 2.30pm. You will be given time to eat afterwards.

For those who have been absent for the previous activities, please take the initiative to pass your MC/Parents' letter to the STs before you fall in.

We'll be having OUTDOOR COOKING! :D

The theme is "Memories of Guides". Since this is already the last activity for the Sec 4s, as a patrol, you all will be asked to prepare food for the seniors. The food must be unique, and something that can serve as a lasting memory for the seniors.

Each patrol will be asked to prepare 2 dishes, one for the seniors, the other for patrol members to try. Most importantly, the food must be decorated and garnished prettily.

So, do pick lots and lots and lots of dry maomao & twigs beforehand! Do bring your own matchsticks and also seasoning (if needed), as well as utensils.

Since it is already the last activity, please be on your best performance okay!! :)

Thank you :)

~ CLs :) 

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Cleaning of HQ storeroom!

Hi guides,
the HQ has offered us a chance to send 10 volunteers to help clear the HQ storeroom.

Details are as follow:
Date: 18, 19, 20 April
Time:18 April: 3-6pm     19 April: 3-6pm      20 April: 2-5pm
Venue: Bishan guides HQ

As long as you all are fast enough to clear the room, you do not have to go back on the last day (20April).
Excuse slip will be given on 20 April.
As this rare opportunity offers us PNA points, i hope more sec 2 and 3 can join. :)

If you are interested, pls sms lexin CL @83883490 by wed 10pm.

Thank you,

Mosaic sample

Hello sec 1s.
 For the mosaic, this is roughly what we are looking out for. Please try not to copy her penguin. You might want to do other pictures such as a fruit or another animal. Please remember that it should be a a5 mosaic (half of a4) and should be made from egg shells. Painting the egg shells before attaching them will provide you with a better end product. Remember to crush your egg shells as tiny as possible and attach them to the paper with UHU GLUE STICK. Thanks! (:
 Credits to QiYi.
~Jafqi QM

Monday 2 April 2012

Badgework to complete before 9 April (Sec 1s only)

HELLO Sec 1s!
You have two badges to complete this week! Please make good use of the time after sports meet on Wednesday and Good Friday as there are quite a number of things to complete. ALL pointers must be completed.

Artist Badge
Drawings should be made on sheets of paper not less than 25cm by 17.5cm (A4 size) and should be of a good size and well-placed.
1. Draw this in pencil, add other objects and a background, to make a pleasing composition. You may print out the image of the cow and trace it but the background has to be an original work.
2. Make an illustration of a scene that comes to your mind when you hear the word “Girl Guide”.
3. Submit a landscape to be drawn in colour.
4. Do up a design of simple pattern suitable for well-paper, embroidery, or curtain material, indicating method of repetition.
Note: point 1, 2, 3 need to be coloured. only the repetition design need not be in colour.
Please remember to write your name, class and patrol on all works before submission.

Craft Badge
1. Make a sock puppet.
2. Model a figure, or an animal or bird, in clay, plasticine or wax.
3. Make a mosaic.
A mosaic can be made using egg shells. Please use UHU glue stick. to stick on your egg shells as normal glue is not strong enough. Make an a5 sized (half an a4 paper) mosaic. 
(Note: Sorry Sec 1s! Please use UHU glue stick instead of super glue as super glue would mess up your mosaic) 
 Please paint your work after attaching all the egg shells so that we know what you are drawing

Step1: Boil the egg to obtain hard boiled eggs.
Step2: Crack the eggs to obtain the shell. Don’t waste the egg – eat it!
Step3: Smash the egg shells so that you have tiny bits that look like broken tiles. The pieces need to be tiny so that they stick well and look prettier, otherwise you will have a very bulky artwork.
Please remember to write your name, class and patrol on all works before submission.

PLEASE SUBMIT ALL WORK FROM 9 APRIL - 11 APRIL TO JAFQI QM AT 4MD OLD BLOCK FOURTH FLOOR. You are advised to submit on 9 April in the morning as school starts late and it is easier to be able to find her in class or she may be all over the school at other times of the day. Otherwise, you may ask her classmates to place your work under her table if she is not in class.
