That day, we had our tent pitching and I worked with my friends and together, we pitched the tent together. At first, I thought it was impossible to pitch a tent in half an hour for me and my guide friends but we did it! Although it was not a perfect one, but it turned out quite well.
After that, we changed into our full uniform and we formed a horse shoe formation. I've received a bronze badge and a certificate too. I felt proud when AQM handed me the badge and certificate as I've completed a year of guiding in Chung Cheng!
Before we end, we had our punishments and it was really very tiring. Our punishments were Maju and Hentak 10 times as someone had dropped their enrollment badge. Remember at the start of the year, I was reluctant and a little angry as we had to do punishment when other guides did something wrong but now, I think that it is okay as we're one for all and all for one. (: I've learnt what is teamwork, and to not blame other people when they make mistakes cause everyone does! (:
Grace Ng, Orchid Patrol
Uniform check!
Making sure we look nice and tidy in our full u:)
Horseshoe formation:)
End of guides activity...