Thursday 23 February 2012

Reflection for World Thinking Day Celebration Wide Games (Champion!)


Honestly speaking, it was my first time participating in an actual amazing race(wide game). It was an invigorating experience with Kezia, and the two brownies from Yu Min primary. We had a blast!

We were first given a map, a question sheet and just 45 minutes to complete the race. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't too favourable and it was pouring! To ensure the safety of the 2 brownies and ourselves, we made a pact that in whatever situation, SAFETY COMES FIRST. The first stop was at the walkway along Mandarin Gallery. We had to view all 9 glass information panels along the gallery and find out which of those had plant-related information. After spending around 15 minutes at the bustling walkway, we ambled to Somerset 313 shopping mall, level 5 and counted the number of green columns in the place that was packed with plants. On the way, we had to keep a look out for "special" dust bins that were used for recycling purposes (as stated in the question). There were also 2 questions that were related to eco-friendly shops. By right we had to visit Centrepoint to figure out what the shops are. However, using our prior and general knowledge, we figured out the shops-- Starbucks and The Body Shop ! After filling up our question sheet, we reported back to the game masters.

I am very honored to represent COY 1 and CCHMS Guides in the Wide Games. I bet both of us did not expect to actually win a prize because of stiff competition from all the schools in Singapore. Nevertheless, I am very happy that I can actually make a contribution to Puan Noor Aishah award for COY 1 and I would like to thank the seniors and teachers for giving me this chance. Thank you! :)

- by Fiona Ong, Ixora patrol COY 1


Through this wide game, I learnt map-reading skills as we had to navigate around the area using the map given to us. This game also taught me to be independent and not rely on others when faced with problems, such as when we were not being able to find the answers to questions and had difficulties finding our way around initially. However, we did not let these problems get the better of us and worked to solve them together. We worked as a team and would always look out for one another during the game, never neglecting anyone. All 4 of us worked really well as a team as we communicated our thoughts and ideas with one another efficiently, leading to smooth completion of the game. Without one another's support, we would never be able to emerge victory. I think this game is fun and enjoyable and I would definitely love to participate in it again if given the opportunity!

- by Kezia Neo, Jasmine patrol COY 1