Patrols & Ranks

Chung Cheng High School
Girl Guides

Patrols and Ranks 2024-2025

Company Leader: Melody Law Yi Xuan
Assistant Company Leader: Ooi Xin Ying
Quarter Mistress: Shannon Yeong Xin Jie





Portia Lim (PL)

Chiang Lin Xi (PL)

Lee Rachelle (PL)

Kaitlyn Hing Le Xuan (PL)

Ang Kah Chee

Andrea Loo Yuanxin

Natalie Tan Kai Yi

Tan Yun Ran Aisha

Foo Yu Xuan

Yap Zhi Ling

Kuah Ka Heem

Dou Wanjia

Gianna Fong Eun Xian

Alyssa Liu Yachen

Seow Yong Qi, Emily

Isabella Ng

Lee Xuan Jie

Ng Wei Ying, Megan

Cassidy Teo Sze Ki

Gao Ran Ting

Alyssa Ang Xin Yue

Reann Wan Man Yeui

Chloe Yap En Qi

Alyssa Peh

Company Leader: Fong Shuen Hwa
Assistant Company Leader: Angell Tang
Quarter Mistress: Alison Sheo Chiong Rui





Alison Sheo Chiong Rui (QM & PL)

Yew Si Yu (PL)

Keira Teo Qi En (PL)

Alissa Choo Zhi Lin (PL)

Foo Le Xuan Leanne

Kaylynn Allyssa Poh Sue Ian

Shen Yuxuan

Long Yuxin Chloe

Abbie Leo

Nathalie Kwang Wen Xin

Tan Ngi Keung (Diona)

Ong Wei En

Li Xin Tong

Yong Yee Xuan

Lau Zhi Han, Sarah

Chen Yasi Emma

Low Yan Han Paige

Joanne See Tsor-oon

Chua Jiaen Sophie

Goh Sze Man

Gisele Tan Yu Xi
Lee Jia Xuan

Duty & Responsibility 


Name of Student


Duty & Responsibility


Fong Shuen Hwa


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • Monitoring Sec 1/2 Guides WhatsApps and information

  • I.C of Discipline

  • 2nd I.C of CCHM Girl Guides Social Media Platform

  • I.C of End of Year Day Camp 2024

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2024 Day 1

  • I.C for Sec 1 CCA Trial 2025

  • I.C for East Division Day 2025

  • I.C of Innovative Project (Learning Videos for Dome Tent Pitching in 2024)

  • Co-I.C of Plastic Tide Turner Presentation

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Melody Law Yi Xuan


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • Monitoring Sec 3/4 Guides WhatsApps and information

  • Co-I.C of welfare

  • I.C of CCA Publicity

  • Game/ Song Master I.C. of Game/CheerSessions

  • I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2024

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2024 Day 2

  • I.C for Sec 1 CCA Trial 2025

  • I.C for East Division Day 2025

  • I.C of Innovative Project (Learning Videos for Dome Tent Pitching in 2024)

  • Co-I.C of ABC WAGGGS Badge Presentation

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Ooi Xin Ying


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 1

  • I.C for Sec 1 to 4 GuidingLight Portal for Coy 1

  • Co-I.C. of Welfare 

  • Game/Song Master I.C for Game/Cheer Sessions

  • I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2024

  • I.C HQ Thinking Day 2025 Events

  • I.C for East Division Day 2025 

  • Co-I.C of Gender Equality Presentation

  • Co-I.C of Mental Health Advocacy Badge Presentation

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Angell Tang


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 2

  • I.C of Discipline

  • I.C for Sec 1 to 4 GuidingLight Portal for Coy 2

  • I.C. of End of Year Day Camp 2024

  • I.C HQ Thinking Day 2025 Events

  • I.C of School Thinking Day Contingent 2025

  • I.C of Innovative Project for Coy 2

  • Co-I.C of Plastic Tide Turner Presentation

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Shannon Yeong Xin Jie


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • I.C for Logistics and guides room

  • Company Secretary (Scribe for meetings)

  • I.C of Ad Hoc Events with Other CCAs in School 

  • Co-I.C of Gender Equality Presentation

  • I.C of Innovative Project for Coy 1

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Alison Sheo Chiong Rui


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • I.C for Logistics and guides room 

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2024 Day 2

  • Co-I.C of ABC WAGGGS Badge Presentation

  • Co-I.C of Mental Health Advocacy Badge Presentation

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Portia Lim


  • Group planning of weekly programme

  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • Company Treasurer (O.I.C of Activities/Camp funds)

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2024 Day 1 

  • Co-I.C for School Guides Cookies Sale 2025

  • Co-I.C of conducting GBTB in camp in 2024

  • Co-I.C of ABC WAGGGS Badge Presentation

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Chiang Lin Xi


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • Assistant QM

  • First Aider (Even weeks)

  • Co I.C of Mental Health Advocacy Badge Project

  • I.C of iPlog Badge for Coy 1

  • Co-I.C of Mental Health Advocacy Badge Presentation

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Lee Rachelle


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • First Aider (Odd Weeks)

  • Co-I.C for School Guides Cookies Sale 2025

  • Co-I.C of Plastic Tide Turner Badge Presentation

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Kaitlyn Hing Le Xuan


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • First Aider (Odd Weeks)

  • Photographer (Odd Week)

  • Co-I.C of Mental Health Advocacy Badge Project

  • Co-I.C of Plastic Tide Turner Presentation

  • I.C of Telematch for Camp 2024

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Yew Si Yu


  • Group Planning of weekly programme 

  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation 

  • O.I.C of CCHM Girl Guides Social Media Platform

  • I.C for Archiving all materials for CCHM Guides Company

  • Planning of Weekly Photo Reflections

  • I.C of Innovative Project /Ad-Hoc Campaign 2024/25*

  • Co I.C of conducting GBTB in camp in 2024

  • Co-I.C of ABC WAGGGS Badge Presentation

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Keira Teo Qi En


  • Group Planning of weekly programme

  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation 

  • Assistant QM

  • Game/Song Master I.C for Game/Cheer Sessions

  • I.C  of iPlog Badge for Coy 2

  • Co-I.C of ABC WAGGGS Badge Presentation

  • Co-I.C of Gender Equality Presentation

  • I.C  of Patrol Banner Competition

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024


Alissa Choo Zhi Lin


  • Group Planning of weekly programme 

  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation 

  • Company Assistant Treasurer (Co I.C of Activities/Camp funds)

  • First Aider (Even Weeks)

  • Photographer (Even Weeks)

  • Co-I.C for School Guides Cookies Sale 2025

  • I.C of iPlog Badge for Coy 2

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Week 2024

Chung Cheng High School
Girl Guides

Patrols and Ranks 2023-2024

Company Leader: Kho Yee Shean
Assistant Company Leader: Yong Ning Yu Charllene
Quarter Mistress: Aw Yan Xi Avril





Liu Shanglin (PL)

Teo Rui Xuan (PL)

Arielle Ong Sze Shyan (PL)

Wong Qi Xuan (PL)

Crystal Tan Le Shi (PS)

Wee Wei Ling (PS)

Lee Rachelle

Angell Tang

Melody Law Yi Xuan

Ooi Xin Ying

Shannon Yeong Xin Jie

Kaitlyn Hing Le Xuan

Ang Kah Chee

Andrea Loo Yuanxin

Natalie Tan Kai Yi

Tan Yun Ran Aisha

Foo Yu Xuan

Yap Zhi Ling

Kuah Ka Heem

Dou Wanjia

Gianna Fong Eun Xi

Seow Yong Qi, Emily

Isabella Ng

Company Leader: Chua En Hui Jazreel
Assistant Company Leader: Phang Qian Tong
Quarter Mistress: Claire Yeo





Audris Low Sing Yu (PL)

Aysha Binte Farouq (PL)

Yeo Jia Ying (PL)

Ang Sze Qi Seraphina (PL)

Alison Sheo Chiong Rui

Zheng Lanxiang (PS)

Chin Xuan An Shayne (PS)

Kaylenn Wong Qin Ling (PS)

Portia Lim

Yew Si Yu

Keira Teo Qi En

Alissa Choo Zhi Lin

Foo Le Xuan Leanne

Fong Shuen Hwa

Shen Yuxuan

Chiang Lin Xi

Abbie Leo

Kaylynn Allyssa Poh Sue Ian

Tan Ngi Keung (Diona)

Long Yuxin Chloe

Li Xin Tong

Xu Kerong

Ong Wei En

Nathalie Kwang Wen Xin

Chen Yasi Emma

Duty & Responsibility 


Name of Student


Duty & Responsibility


Kho Yee Shean 


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • Monitoring Sec 1/2 Guides WhatsApps and information

  • I.C of Discipline

  • Specialization in Foot Drills

  • I.C of End of Year Day Camp 2023

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2023 Day 1

  • I.C for sec 1 CCA Trial 2024 

  • I.C for East Division Day 2024

  • I.C of Innovative Project (Learning Videos for Gadget making in 2024)

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Chua En Hui Jazreel


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • Monitoring Sec 3/4 Guides WhatsApps and information

  • I.C of Discipline

  • Game Master I.C. of Game Sessions 

  • Specialization in Tent Pitching

  • I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2023

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2023 Day 2

  • I.C for sec 1 CCA Trial 2024

  • I.C for East Division Day 2024

  • I.C of Innovative Project (Learning Videos for Tent Pitching in 2024)

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Yong Ning Yu Charllene


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 1

  • I.C for Sec 1 to 4 GuidingLight Portal for Coy 1

  • Co-I.C. of Welfare 

  • Song Master I.C for Cheer Sessions

  • Specialization in Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2023

  • I.C HQ Thinking Day 2024 Events

  • I.C for East Division Day 2024

  • IC for CCA Publicity 

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Phang Qian Tong


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 2

  • Co-I.C of welfare

  • I.C for Sec 1 to 4 GuidingLight Portal for Coy 2

  • Specialization in Foot Drills

  • I.C. of End of Year Day Camp 2022

  • I.C HQ Thinking Day 2024 Events

  • IC School Thinking Day Contingent 2023

  • I.C of Innovative Project for Coy 2

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Aw Yan Xi Avril


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • I.C for Logistics and guides room. 

  • Song Master I.C for Cheer Sessions

  • Specialization in Tent Pitching

  • I.C of Ad Hoc Events with Other CCAs in School 

  • I.C for WAGGGS badgework*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Claire Yeo


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • I.C (1st) for Logistics and guides room.

  • Game Master I.C. of Game Sessions 

  • Specialization in Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2023

  • I.C of Ad Hoc Events with Other CCAs in School

  • I.C for WAGGGS badgework* 

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Liu Shanglin


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • Company Treasurer (O.I.C of Activities/Camp funds)

  • Specialization in Foot Drills

  • Co-IC for School Guides Cookies Sale 2024 

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2023 Day 1

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Teo Rui Xuan


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • Assistant QM

  • Specialization in Foot Drills

  • Co I.C of conducting GBTB in camp in 2023

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Arielle Ong Sze Shyan


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation 

  • Assistant Company Treasurer (O.I.C of Activities/Camp funds)

  • Specialization in Tent Pitching

  • Co-IC for School Guides Cookies Sale 2022 & 2023

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2023 Day 2

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Wong Qi Xuan


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation 

  • Company Scribe (I.C of Guides Website & scribe for meetings)

  • I.C for Archiving all materials for CCHM Guides Company

  • Planning of Weekly Photo Reflections

  • Specialization in Tent Pitching

  • I.C of iPlog Badge for Coy 1

  • IC for CCA Publicity 

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Audris Low Sing Yu


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation 

  • Assistant QM

  • Specialization in Foot Drills

  • I.C of Innovative Project /Ad-Hoc Campaign 2023/24*

  • Co I.C of conducting GBTB in camp in 2023

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Aysha Binte Farouq


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • Photographer (Even Weeks)

  • Specialization in Tent Pitching

  • I.C  of Patrol Banner Competition

  • OIC for Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Yeo Jia Ying


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation 

  • Game Master I.C. of Game Sessions (Telematch for Camp)

  • Specialization in Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C of Innovative Project /Ad-Hoc Campaign 2023/24*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Ang Sze Qi Seraphina


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation 

  • First Aider (Odd weeks)

  • Specialization in Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C of iPlog Badge for Coy 2

  • OIC for Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Crystal Tan Le Shi


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation 

  • First Aider (Odd Weeks)

  • Specialization in Outdoor Cooking

  • Co-IC of Mental Health Advocacy Badge Presentation in Camp

  • I.C of Innovative Project (Learning Videos for Gadget Making)

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Wee Wei Ling


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • Specialization in Foot Drills

  • Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Zheng Lanxiang


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • First Aider (Even Weeks)

  • Game Master I.C. of Game Sessions (Telematch for camp)

  • Specialization in Tent Pitching

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Chin Xuan An Shayne


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • First Aider (Even Weeks)

  • Specialization in Tent Pitching

  • Co-IC of Mental Health Advocacy Badge Presentation in Camp

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023


Kaylenn Wong Qin Ling


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • Photographer (Odd Weeks)

  • Specialization in Outdoor Cooking

  • Co-IC of Mental Health Advocacy Badge Presentation in Camp

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2023

Chung Cheng High School
Girl Guides

Patrols and Ranks 2022-2023

Company Leader: Kayla Seng Shi Qi
Assistant Company Leader: Loo Yee Han
Quarter Mistress: Ashley Toh Shiqi





Liu Xing Nuo (PL)

How Yi Ling (PL)

Lim Chih Hsuan (PL)

Roxanne Neo Yu Xuan (PL)

Yap Rui Tong (PS)

Lau Hui-Xuan Valerie (PS)

Foo Jin En Joaquina (PS)

Chan Qi Ying (PS)

Crystal Tan Le Shi

Teo Rui Xuan

Wong Qi Xuan

Yong Ning Yu Charllene

Qu Hong

Yeo Jia Ying

Arielle Ong Sze Shyan

Aw Yan Xi Avril

Liu Shanglin

Wee Wei Ling

Lee Rachelle

Angell Tang

Melody Law Yi Xuan

Ooi Xin Ying

Shannon Yeong Xin Jie

Kaitlyn Hing Le Xuan

Ang Kah Chee

Andrea Loo Yuanxin

Natalie Tan Kai Yi

Tan Yun Ran Aisha

Foo Yu Xuan

Yap Zhi Ling

Kuah Ka Heem

Dou Wanjia

Gianna Fong Eun Xi

Seow Yong Qi, Emily

Isabella Ng


Company Leader: Yolanda Naing
Assistant Company Leader: Lee Xin Rong Shermin
Quarter Mistress: Liang Ting Fang
Senior Patrol Leader: Teo Yen Teng Phoebe





Charlotte Yong Xin Yu (PL)

Inez Chua Heang Hoong (PL)

Phoon Yujing Karis (PL)

Wai Churou (PL)

Koh Xuan Min (PS)

Sara Grace Low (PS)

Choo Xuan Ling, Megan (PS)

Chionh Yun See (PS)

Audris Low Sing Yu

Aysha Binte Farouq

Claire Yeo

Ang Sze Qi Seraphina

Phang Qian Tong

Zheng Lanxiang

Chua En Hui Jazreel

Kaylenn Wong Qin Ling

Alison Sheo Chiong Rui

Yew Si Yu

Chin Xuan An Shayne

Kho Yee Shean

Portia Lim

Fong Shuen Hwa

Keira Teo Qi En

Alissa Choo Zhi Lin

Foo Le Xuan Leanne

Kaylynn Allyssa Poh Sue Ian

Shen Yuxuan

Chiang Lin Xi

Abbie Leo

Xu Kerong

Tan Ngi Keung (Dionna)

Long Yuxin Chloe

Li Xin Tong

Nathalie Kwang Wen XIn

Ong Wei En

Chen Yasi Emma

Duty & Responsibility 


Name of Student


Duty & Responsibility


Kayla Seng Shi Qi


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • Monitoring Sec 1/2 Guides Whatapps and information

  • I.C for Coy 1 Sec 3/4 GuidingLight Portal. 

  • I.C of Discipline

  • Specialise in Guides footdrill

  • I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2022

  • I.C for sec 1 CCA Trial 2023 

  • I.C for East Division Day 2023

  • I.C of conducting ABC 

  • I.C of Innovative Project (Learning Videos for footdrills)

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Yolanda Naing


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • Monitoring Sec 3/4 Guides Whatapps and information

  • I.C for Coy 2 Sec 3/4 GuidingLight Portal. 

  • I.C of Discipline

  • Specialise in Tent Pitching

  • I.C of End of Year Day Camp 2022

  • I.C for sec 1 CCA Trial 2023

  • I.C for East Division Day 2023

  • I.C of conducting ABC 

  • I.C of Innovative Project (Learning Videos for Tent Pitching)

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Loo Yee Han


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 1

  • I.C for Sec 1 & 2 GuidingLight Portal

  • Co I.C. of Welfare 

  • Specialise in Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2022

  • I.C Thinking Day 2022 Events

  • I.C for East Division Day 2022

  • I.C of Innovative Project for Coy 1

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Lee Xin Rong Shermin


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 2

  • Co-I.C of welfare

  • I.C for Sec 1 & 2 GuidingLight Portal

  • Specialise in Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C. of End of Year Day Camp 2022

  • I.C for East Division Day 2022

  • IC Thinking Day 2022

  • I.C of Innovative Project for Coy 2

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Ashley Toh Shiqi


  • I.C for Logistics and guides room 

  • I.C for iPlog Badge for Coy 1

  • Specialise in 

  • I.C of Plothagon for Coy 1

  • I.C of Ad Hoc Events with Other CCAs in School

  • I.C for WAGGGS badgework*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Liang Ting Fang


  • I.C (1st) for Logistics and guides room on even weeks

  • I.C for iPlog Badge for Coy 2

  • Specialise in Foot drills

  • I.C of Ad Hoc Events with Other CCAs in School

  • I.C of Sharing Events from HQ

  • I.C for WAGGGS badgework* Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Teo Yen Teng Phoebe


  • Company Treasurer (O.I.C of Activities/Camp funds)

  • Company Scribe(I.C of Guides Website & scribe for meetings)

  • I.C for Archiving all materials for CCHM Guides Company

  • Specialise in 

  • OIC for School Guides Cookies Sale 2022 & 2023

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2022

  • I.C for WAGGGS badgework

  • IC for CCA Publicity 

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Lin Xing Nuo


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • Assistant QM: Logistic Team Week

  • Specialise in Footdrills

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy) *

  • I.C of Innovative Project /Ad-Hoc Campaign 2022*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


How Yi Ling


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation 

  • Assistant Company Treasurer (O.I.C of Activities/Camp funds)

  • Specialise in outdoor cooking

  • OIC for School Guides Cookies Sale 2022 & 2023

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2022

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Lim Chih Hsuan


  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation 

  • Assistant Company Scribe (I.C of Guides Website & scribe for meetings)

  • Specialise in Tent Pitching

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy) *

  • I.C  of Patrol Banner Competition

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Roxanne Neo Yu Xuan


  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation 

  • Assistant QM: Logistic Team Week

  • Specialise in Gadget Making

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy) *

  • I.C of Plothagon for Coy 1

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Charlotte Yong Xin


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • Game Master I.C. of Game Sessions 

  • Specialise in Tent Pitching

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy)*

  • I.C of Innovative Project /Ad-Hoc Campaign 2022*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Inez Chua Heang Hoong


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation 

  • Song Master I.C for Cheer Sessions

  • Specialise in Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy)*

  • I.C of Innovative Project /Ad-Hoc Campaign 2022*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Phoo Yujing, Karis


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation 

  • First Aider (Even weeks)

  • Specialise in Gadget making

  • I.C of Plothagon for Coy 2

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy)*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Wai Churou  


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation 

  • First Aider (Odd Weeks)

  • Specialise in Gadget making

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy)*

  • I.C of Innovative Project (Learning Videos for Gadget Making)

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Yap Rui Tong


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • Song Master I.C for Cheer Sessions

  • Specialise in Footdrills

  • I.C of Plothagon for Patrol

  • I.C of conducting ABC for Patrol

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy)*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Valerie Lau


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • First Aider (Odd Weeks)

  • Specialise in Gadget Making

  • I.C of Plothagon for Patrol

  • I.C of conducting ABC for Patrol

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Foo Jin En Joaquina


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • First Aider (Even weeks)

  • Specialise in Footdrills

  • I.C of Plothagon for Patrol

  • I.C of conducting ABC for Patrol

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy)*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Chan Qi Ying


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • Photographer (Odd Weeks)

  • Specialise in Gadget Making

  • I.C of Plothagon for Patrol

  • I.C of conducting ABC for Patrol

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Koh Xuan Min


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • Assistant QM: Logistic Team Week

  • Specialise in Tent Pitching

  • I.C of Plothagon for Patrol

  • I.C of conducting ABC for Patrol

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Sara Grace Low


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • Photographer (Even Weeks)

  • Specialise in Tent Pitching

  • I.C of Plothagon for Patrol

  • I.C of conducting ABC for Patrol

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy (Mental Health Advocacy)*

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Choo Xuan Ling, Megan


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • Game Master I.C. of Game Sessions 

  • Specialise in Gadget Making

  • I.C of Plothagon for Patrol

  • I.C of conducting ABC for Patrol

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022


Chionh Yun See


  • In charge of all patrol activities including camp preparation

  • Game Master I.C. of Game Sessions 

  • Specialise in Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C of Plothagon for Patrol

  • I.C of conducting ABC for Patrol

  • Conduct Sharing Session in East Division Learning Day 2022

Chung Cheng High School
Girl Guides

Patrols and Ranks 2021-2022

Company Leader: Chan Ying Xin, Clarice
Assistant Company Leader: Shanon Chan
Quarter Mistress: Tan Ker Hwi, Shanice
Senior Patrol Leader: Teu Zhi Qi, Joyce
Gladys Tan Rui En
Irin Ng Hwee Im
Avril Loh Meng Yee
Ng Ying Xi
Yap Rui Tong
Ashley Toh Shiqi
Koh Xuan Min
Roxanne Neo Yu Xuan
Kayla Seng Shi Qi
Lau Hui-Xuan Valerie
Foo Jin En Joaquina
Inez Chua Heang Hoong
Liu Xing Nuo
How Yi Ling
Lim Chih Hsuan
Chan Qi Ying

Company Leader: Tan Jia Xin, Shenai
Assistant Company Leader: Kam En Qi, Glynnis
Quarter Mistress: Goh Hui Qing Ashly
Senior Patrol Leader: Francesca Ng Min Xuan
Teo Wei En, Claire
Ang Qi Xuan Zelia
Dominique Dew Suma
Toh Yuen Hui
Wai Churou
Sara Grace Low
Phoo Yujing, Karis
Yolanda Naing
Teo Yen Teng Phoebe
Liang Ting Fang
Loo Yee Han
Chionh Yun See
Charlotte Yong Xin Yu
Lee Xin Rong Shermin
Choo Xuan Ling, Megan


Duty & Responsibility


Name of Student


Duty & Responsibility


Clarice Chan


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • Monitoring Sec 1/2 Guides Whatsapp and information

  • I.C for Coy 1 Sec 3/4 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • I.C of Discipline

  • IC for Pioneering Skills

  • I.C of Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C of Guides footdrill

  • I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2021

  • I.C for sec 1 CCA Trial 2022 Day 1

  • I.C for East Division Day 2022

  • I.C of conducting FBM*

  • I.C. Anti-Smoking campaign 2021

  • I.C of Innovative Project*


Shenai Tan


  • Planning of weekly programme

  • Monitoring Sec 3/4 Guides Whatsapp and information

  • I.C for Coy 2 Sec 3/4 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • I.C of Discipline

  • IC for Pioneering Skills

  • I.C of Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C of Guides footdrill

  • I.C of End of Year Day Camp 2021

  • Co-I.C for sec 1 CCA Trial 2022 Day 2

  • I.C for East Division Day 2022

  • I.C. Anti-Smoking campaign 2021

  • I.C of conducting FBM*


Shanon Chan


  • Planning of odd weeks programme

  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 1

  • I.C for Sec 2 5-point

  • programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • Co I.C. of Welfare 

  • IC for Pioneering Skills

  • I.C for Gadget Making

  • In charge of End of Year Day Camp 2021

  • I.C for East Division Day 2022

  • I.C Thinking Day 2022

  • I.C of conducting FBM*

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2021

  • I.C of Innovative Project*


Glynnis Kam


  • Planning of even weeks programme

  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 2

  • Co-I.C of welfare

  • I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • O.I.C for Gadget Making

  • Co I.C of Welfare

  • I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2021

  • I.C for East Division Day 2022

  • IC Thinking Day 2022

  • I.C of conducting FBM*

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2021

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy*


Shanice Tan


  • I.C for Logistics and guides room on odd weeks

  • I.C of Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C of Tent Pitching

  • I.C for Hiker Badge

  • I.C of Sharing Events from HQ

  • I.C of Ad Hoc Events with Other CCAs in School

  • I.C for WAGGGS badgework*


Ashly Goh


  • I.C (1st) for Logistics and guides room on even weeks

  • I.C of Outdoor Cooking

  • I.C of Tent Pitching

  • I.C for Hiker Badge

  • I.C of Plothagon

  • I.C of Ad Hoc Events with Other CCAs in School

  • I.C for WAGGGS badgework*

  • I.C. Anti-Smoking campaign 2021


Francesca Ng


  • Company Treasurer (O.I.C of Activities/Camp funds)

  • I.C of Tent Pitching

  • I.C for Gadget Making

  • I.C of Lower Sec Guides Welfare

  • I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • OIC for School Guides Cookies Sale 2021 & 2022

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2021

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy*


Joyce Teu


  • Company Scribe(I.C of Guides Website & scribe for meetings)

  • I.C for Archiving all materials for CCHM Guides Company 

  • Photographer for Odd Week

  • I.C of Tent Pitching

  • I.C for Gadget Making

  • I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • IC Thinking Day 2022

  • I.C. Anti-Smoking campaign 2021

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy*

  • IC for Company Publicity for CCA Trials


Gladys Tan


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation

  • Logistic Team for Odd Week

  • Tent Pitching Teaching Team

  • I.C of Sec 3 School Guides Cookies Sale 2021 & 2022

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy*

  • I.C of Sharing Events from HQ


Irin Ng


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation 

  • Logistic Team for Odd Week

  • I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • Footdrill Teaching Team

  • Ad-Hoc Campaign 2021*

  • I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2020

  • I.C of Plothagon

  • I.C of Sec 2 PUB Water badge


Avril Loh


  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation 

  • Logistic Team for Odd Week

  • I.C. of  Lower Sec Welfare

  • I.C for Sec 3/4 5-point

  • programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • Footdrill Teaching Team

  • I.C. Anti-Smoking campaign 2021

  • I.C of Sharing Events from HQ

  • I.C of Innovation Project*


Ng Ying Xi


  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation

  • Logistic Team for Odd Week

  • I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • Outdoor Cooking Teaching Team

  • I.C of Sec 1 School Guides Cookies Sale 2021 & 2022

  • I.C. Anti-Smoking campaign 2021

  • I.C of Innovation Project*

  • I.C of Plothagon


Zelia Ang


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation 

  • Logistic Team for Even Week

  • Footdrill Teaching Team

  • I.C of Social Cause Advocacy*

  • I.C of Innovative Project*


Toh Yuen Hui


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation 

  • Logistic Team for Even Week

  • I.C for Sec 3/4 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • Photographer for Even week activities

  • Assistant Company Scribe

  • Footdrill Teaching Team

  • Ad-Hoc Campaign 2021*

  • I.C of Plothagon

  • I.C of Innovative Project*


Dominique Dew Suma


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation 

  • Logistic Team for Even Week

  • I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • Tent Pitching Teaching Team

  • IC of Lower Sec Welfare

  • I.C of Plothagon

  • I.C of Innovative Project*


Claire Teo


  • In charge of all patrol activities including day camp preparation 

  • Logistic Team for Even Week

  • Assistant Company Treasurer

  • I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

  • Outdoor Cooking Teaching Team

  • Ad-Hoc Campaign 2021*

  • I.C of Sec 2 PUB Water badge

  • I.C of Sec 2 School Guides Cookies Sale 2021 & 2022

Chung Cheng High School
Girl Guides

Patrols and Ranks 2020 - 2021

Company Leader: Eunice Quek
Assistant Company Leader: Alethea Lee
Quarter Mistress: Joie Teo

Nicole Chong ( PL )
Kwok Queenie ( PL )
Charlene Tong ( SPL )
Evelyn Tan ( PL )
Chin Zi Wei ( PS )
Yeo Hsin Ying ( PS )
Ow Le Xuan ( PL )
Nicha Ing ( PS )
Gladys Tan Rui En
Teu Zhi Qi, Joyce
Ho Jia Yi ( PS )
Ng Ying Xi
Tan Jia Xin, Shenai
Irin Ng Hwee Im
Francesca Ng Min Xuan
Shanon Chan
Yap Rui Tong
Ashley Toh Shiqi
Chan Ying Xin, Clarice
Roxanne Neo Yu Xuan
Kayla Seng Shi Qi
Lau Hui-Xuan Valerie
Koh Xuan Min
Inez Chua Heang Hoong
Liu Xing Nuo
How Yi Ling
Foo Jin En Joaquina
Chan Qi Ying

Lim Chih Hsuan

Company Leader: Huang Shi Qi
Assistant Company Leader: Kym Lau
Quarter Mistress: Natania Lim

Charlize Teo ( PL )
Chloe Chong ( SPL )
Kuek Pei Shan ( PL )
Amanda Pao ( SPL )
Chou Rui Ling ( PS )
Amanda Loong ( PL )
Amelia See ( PS )
Chia Joelle ( PL )
Kam En Qi, Glynnis
Ong En Xin ( PS )
Toh Yuen Hui
Charlene Teo ( PS )
Teo Wei En, Claire
Ang Qi Xuan Zelia
Dominique Dew Suma
Tan Ker Hwi, Shanice
Wai Churou
Avril Loh Meng Yee
Phoo Yujing, Karis
Goh Hui Qing, Ashly
Teo Yen Teng Phoebe
Sara Grace Low
Loo Yee Han
Yolanda Naing
Charlotte Tong Xin Yu
Liang Ting Fang
Choo Xuan Ling, Megan
Chionh Yun See

Lee Xin Rong Shermin

Duty & Responsibility

Name of Student
Duty & Responsibility
Eunice Quek
  • Planning of odd weeks programme
  • Monitoring Sec 3/4 Whatsapp and information
  • 1stI.C for Coy 1 Sec 3 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1st 1st I.C of Discipline
  • 2nd 1st I.C for Outdoor Cooking
  • 3rd I.C of Sec 1 footdrill
  • Co I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2020
  • 1st I.C for sharing of skills with Coy 1 and Other CCAs 2021
  • 1st 1st I.C for Sec 1 CCA Trials 2021 Day 1
  • 1st Co I.C for East Division Day 2021
  • 1st I.C of Thinking Day 2021
Huang Shi Qi
  • Planning of even weeks programme
  • Monitoring Sec 1/2 Whatsapp and information
  • 1stI.C for Coy 2 Sec 3 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1st 1st I.C for Pioneering Skills
  • 2nd O.I.C for Company footdrill
  • 3rd Co-In charge of Virtual Camp 2020
  • 1st 1st I.C for sharing of skills with Coy 2 and Other CCAs 2021
  • 1st 1st I.C for Sec 1 CCA Trials 2021 Day 2
  • 1st Co I.C for East Division Day 2021
  • 1st I.C of Thinking Day 2021
Alethea Lee
  • Planning of odd weeks programme
  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 1
  • 1stO.I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1stO.I.C for Welfare
  • 2nd Co-I.C for School Open House Guides Activity 2020
  • 3rd 2nd I.C for Sec 1 CCA Trials 2021 Day 1
Kym Lau
  • Planning of even weeks programme
  • I.C for Attendance for Coy 2
  • 1stO.I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1st 2nd I.C for Discipline
  • 2nd O.I.C for Gadget Making
  • 3rdI.C of Sec 2 Footdrill
  • 1st Co-In charge of Virtual Camp 2020
  • 1st 2nd I.C for Sec 1 CCA Trials 2021 Day 2
  • 1st 1st I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2020
Joie Teo
  • I.C (1st) for Logistics and guides room on odd weeks
  • I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1st I.C ( 1st ) for Sec 1 Gadget Making
  • 1st I.C of Camp Banner Competition
  • 2nd IC for Sec 1 Recruitment Poster
  • 3rd I.C. Anti-Smoking campaign 2021
Natania Lim
  • I.C (1st) for Logistics and guides room on even weeks
  • I.C for Liaison with Guides HQ
  • 1st I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1st 2nd IC for Outdoor Cooking
  • 2nd I.C for Pioneering Skills
  • 3rd 2nd I.C for sharing of skills with Coy 2 and Other CCAs
Charlene Tong
  • Company Treasurer
  • IC of Activities/Camp funds
  • 1st I.C ( 2nd ) for Sec 1 Gadget Making
  • 1st 4th I.C of Outdoor Cooking
  • 2nd I.C for Sec 3 Guides Cookies Sale 2020
  • 3rd 2nd I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2020
  • 3rd IC Thinking Day 2021
Chloe Chong
  • Company Scribe
  • I.C of Guides Website & monitor information for all on websites
  • st I.C for Archiving all materials for CCHM Guides Company
  • I.C for Company Publicity Competition
  • 1st I.C for Thinking Day 2021
Amanda Pao
  • 1st I.C of Sec 3 Free Being Me/ABC Campaign 2021
  • 1st I.C of Sec 2 Anti-Smoking Campaign 2021
  • 1st I.C of Sec 2 Tent Pitching
  • 1st I.C of Sec 1 Footdrill
  • 2nd O.I.C for Guides Cookies Sale 2020
  • 3rd I.C for Anti-Smoking campaign 2021
  • 3rd 3rd I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2020
Nicole Chong
  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C for Song Sessions and Games
  • 1st I.C of Sec 3 Welfare
  • 1st 2nd I.C for sharing of skills with Coy1 and Other CCAs 2021
Kwok Queenie
  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C for Song Sessions and Games
  • 1st 3rd I.C of Outdoor Cooking
  • 1st I.C of Sec 3 Welfare
  • 1st 3rd I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies 2020
Ow Le Xuan
  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C for Sec 2 5-Point Programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1st I.C for Sec 2 Tent Pitching
  • 1st I.C for Sec 2 Welfare
Evelyn Tan
  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C for Sec 1 Gadget Making
  • 1st I.C for Sec 1 Welfare
Charlize Teo
  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • O.I.C for Tent Pitching
  • 1st I.C for Pioneering Skills
  • 1st 2nd I.C for sharing of skills with Coy 1 and Other CCAs 2021
Amanda Loong
  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C for Sec 2 Tent Pitching
  • 1st I.C for Song Sessions and Games
  • 1st I.C for Sec 2 Welfare
  • 1st Ad-Hoc Campaign 2021
Kuek Pei Shan
  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C for Sec 1 5-Point Programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1st I.C for Sec 1 Tent Pitching
  • 1st I.C of Sec 1 Welfare
  • 1st Ad-Hoc Campaign 2021
Chia Joelle
  • In charge of all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • Photographer for Odd Week Activities
  • 1st Assistant Company Scribe
  • 1st I.C for Sec 1 5-Point Programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1st I.C of Sec 1 Welfare
  • 1st Saving Water Campaign 2021
Chin Zi Wei
  • Assist PL in all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C ( 3rd ) for Logistics and Guides room on odd weeks
  • 1st I.C for Sec 1 Gadget Making
  • 1st Ad-Hoc Campaign 2021
Yeo Hsin Ying
  • Assist PL in all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C for Sec 2 5-Point Programme and Proficiency Badgework
  • 1st I.C for Sec 1 Tent Pitching
  • 1st Photographer for even week activities
  • 1st Ad-Hoc Campaign 2021
Ho Jia Yi
  • Assist PL in all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C ( 2nd ) for Logistics and Guides room on even weeks
  • 1st I.C for Sec 1 Tent Pitching
  • 1st 4th I.C for Sec 3 Free Being Me / ABC Campaign 2021
  • 1st Saving Water Campaign 2021
Nicha Ing
  • Assist PL in all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • 2nd I.C of Sec 3 Free Being Me / ABC Campaign 2021
  • 1st I.C for Song Sessions and Games
  • 1st I.C for Sec 2 Gadget Making
  • 1st Photographer for even week activities
  • 1st 3rd I.C for sharing of skills with Coy 1 and Other CCAs 2021
Chou Rui Ling
  • Assist PL in all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C for Sec 2 Footdrill
  • 1st I.C for Sec 1 Recruitment Poster
  • 1st I.C for Sec 2 Guides Cookies Sale 2020
Ong En Xin
  • Assist PL in all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • Assistant Company Treasurer
  • 1st Photographer for odd week activities
  • 1st I.C for Sec 1 Footdrill
  • 1st I.C for Sec 3 Guides Cookies Sale 2020
Amelia See
  • Assist PL in all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C ( 2nd ) for Logistics and Guides room on even weeks
  • 1st I.C for Sec 2 Tent Pitching
  • 1st I.C for Pioneering Skills
  • 1st I.C of Sec 1 Guides Cookies Sale 2020
Charlene Teo
  • Assist PL in all patrol activities including virtual camp preparation
  • I.C ( 3rd ) for Logistics and Guides room on odd weeks
  • 1st 3rd I.C for Sec 3 Free Being Me / ABC Campaign 2021
  • 1st 3rd I.C for sharing of skills with Coy 2 and Other CCAs

            Chung Cheng High School
            Girl Guides

            Patrols and Ranks 2019 - 2020

            COY 1
            Company Leader: Khong Hui Xi
            Assistant Company Leader: Dawn Yap
            Quarter Mistress: Chin Ying Onn

            Tan Yi Xuan (PL)
            Fong Wen Qi (PL)
            Eunice Ng (PL)
            Evelyn Tan
            Callista Ng (PS)
            Joie Teo
            Kwok Queenie
            Huang Shi Qi
            Nicole Chong
            Nicha See
            Charlene Tong
            Chin Zi Wei
            Eunice Quek
            Ho Jia Yi
            Ong En Xin
            Leow Jiah Shuen, Chloe
            Ow Le Xuan
            Yeo Hsin Ying
            Ng Ying Xi
            Francesca Ng Min Xuan
            Foo Rui En, Celest
            Shanon Chan
            Ng Xin Ying
            Clarisse Poon Min Yi

            Chan Ying Xin, Clarice
            Tan Jia Xin, Shenai

            COY 2
            Company Leader: Tan Lee Hui
            Assistant Company Leader: Shermain Hartono Lim

            Pristine (PL)
            Amber Koh (PL)
            Cassandra Wu (PL)
            Taryn Chua (PS)
            Leong Bi Xuan (PS)
            Amanda Pao
            Chou Rui Ling
            Alethea Lee
            Amelia See
            Kym Lau
            Chloe Chong
            Chia Joelle
            Natania Lim
            Amanda Loong
            Charlene Teo
            Charlize Teo
            Kuek Pei Shan
            Tan Ker Hwi, Shanice
            Kam En Qi, Glynnis
            Gladys Tan Rui En
            Toh Yuen Hui
            Teu Zhi Qi, Joyce
            Ang Qi Xuan Zelia
            Dominique Dew Suma
            Irin Ng Hwee Im
            Avril Loh Meng Yee
            Goh Hui Qing Ashly
            Teo Wei En, Claire

            Duty & Responsibility

            Name of Student
            Duty & Responsibility
            Khong Hui Xi
            • Planning of odd weeks programme
            • Monitoring Sec 1 to 3 Whatapps and information
            • 1st I.C of footdrill and discipline
            • 1st I.C of Outdoor Cooking
            • 2nd I.C for Sec 3 Proficiency Badgework
            • 3rd I.C for all Tent Pitching and Flag Pole Activities
            • Annual Camp Commandant
            • 1st I.C for sharing of skills with Other CCAs
            • 1st IC of Mid-Autumn School Celebration 
            Tan Lee Hui
            • Planning of even weeks programme
            • I.C for Liaison with Guides HQ
            • I.C of Guides Website
            • 1st I.C for Sec 3 Proficiency Badgework
            • 2nd I.C of footdrill and discipline
            • I.C for School National Day Contingent
            • 1st I.C of Sec 2 Anti-Smoking Campaign
            • 1st IC for sec 1 CCA Trial 2020
            • 1st I.C for East Division Day
            • 2nd IC for School Open House Guides booth
            Dawn Yap
            • I.C for Attendance for Coy 1
            • 1st I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • O.I.C. of Welfare 
            • 1st I.C of Gadget Making
            • 2nd I.C for Pioneer Skill Training
            • 3rd I.C of Outdoor cooking
            • 1st IC for School Open House Guides booth
            • 2nd I.C of Guides and Brownies Sharing Day
            • 2nd IC for sec 1 CCA Trial 2020
            Shermain Hartono Lim
            • I.C for Attendance for Coy 2
            • 1st I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • 2nd I.C for Tent Pitching and Flag Pole Activities
            • 3rd I.C of footdrill and discipline
            • Annual Camp Assistant Commandant
            • 1st I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies
            • 2nd I.C of Sec 2 Anti-Smoking Campaign
            Chin Ying Onn
            • 1st I.C for Logistics and guides room
            • 1st I.C for Tent Pitching and Flag Pole Activities
            • I.C of Camp Banner Competition
            • 4th I.C of Outdoor Cooking
            • 2nd I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies
            • 3rd I.C of School Open House
            Fong Wen Qi
            • Company Treasurer
            • IC of Activities/Camp funds
            • 3rd IC for Pioneer Skill Training
            • 2nd I.C for sharing of skills with Other CCAs
            • 3rd I.C of Guides and Brownies Sharing Day
            Amber Koh
            • 1st IC for Song Session
            • 1st I.C for Free Being Me/ABC Programme
            • Guides Cookie Project O.I.C 
            • Co I.C for Coy 2 St John’s Home for the Elderly Programe
            Eunice Ng
            • Company Scribe
            • Assistant Treasurer
            • I.C for Guides Cookies Sale Poster
            • First Aider for even weeks
            • 3rd I.C for Gadget Making
            • Co I.C for Coy 1 St John’s Home for the Elderly Programe
            • 3rd I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            Tan Yi Xuan
            • Sec 1 Welfare Officer
            • 2nd I.C for Song Session
            • 2nd I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • Co I.C for Coy 1 St John’s Home for the Elderly Programe
            • Guides Cookie Project Sec 1 I.C 
            Cassandra Wu
            • 1st I.C for Pioneer Skill Training
            • 2nd I.C of Outdoor Cooking
            • 2nd I.C of Gadget Making
            • First Aider for odd weeks
            • 1st I.C of Guides and Brownies Sharing Day
            • 2nd I.C for East Division Day
            Pristine Gottlob Kristanto
            • Sec 2 Welfare Officer
            • First Aider for even weeks
            • 2nd  I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • Co I.C for Coy 2 St John’s Home for the Elderly Programe
            • Guides Cookie Project Sec 2 I.C 
            Callista Ng
            • Photographer for weekly activities
            • First Aider for even weeks
            • 4th  I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • 3rd  I.C for sharing of skills with Other CCAs
            Taryn Chua
            • Sec 3 Welfare Officer 
            • First Aider for odd weeks
            • 3rd  I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • 2nd I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies
            • Co I.C for Coy 2 St John’s Home for the Elderly Programe
            Leong Bixuan
            • 2nd I.C for Logistics and guides room
            • 2nd I.C for Free Being Me/ABC Programme
            • 3rd I.C for Tent Pitching and Flag Pole Activities
            • 4th I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • Guides Cookie Project Sec 4 I.C 

             Duty List
            Name of Student
            Duty & Responsibility
            Amanda Tan Yan Jing
            • Attendance for Coy 1
            • Planning of odd weeks programme
            • I.C for School Anniversary Contingent
            • 1st I.C for Pioneer Skill Training
            • 2nd I.C for all Tent Pitching
            • Annual Camp Commandant
            • Updating of Guides Website
            • 1st I.C for Sec 3 Proficiency Badgework
            • I.C for Footdrills and Discipline 
            Cheong Sin Yee
            • Attendance for Coy 2
            • Planning of even weeks programme
            • Monitoring Sec 1 to 3 Whatsapp and information
            • 1st I.C for East Division Day
            • I.C for School National Day Contingent
            • 2nd I.C for School Open House Guides booth
            • I.C for liaison with Guides HQ
            • 1st I.C for Sec 1 CCA Trial 2018
            Ng Jing Xuan, Felicia
            • 2nd I.C for outdoor cooking
            • Annual Camp Assistant Commandant
            • 1st I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • O.I.C of Welfare
            • 2nd I.C of Footdrills and Discipline
            Netanya Seah Pei Rou
            •  1st I.C for Outdoor Cooking
            •  1st I.C for School Open House Guides Booth
            • 2nd I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • 2nd I.C for East Division Day
            • 1st I.C for Flag Pole Pitching
            Charlotte Lim Xue Le
            •   1st I.C for Logistics and guides room
            • 1st I.C for all Tent Pitching
            •  1st I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            Wong Ginn Munn
            •  2nd I.C for Logistics and guides room
            • 1st I.C for all Gadget Making Activity
            •  2nd  IC for Pioneer Skill Testing
            Lee Kah Yan
            •    1st I.C for Song Session
            • Company Treasurer
            • 1st I.C for Activities/Camp funds
            • 2nd I.C for Flag Pole Pitching

            Ianette Lynn Lim
            • Company Secretary/Scribe
            • 3rd I.C for all Tent Pitching
            • 2nd I.C for Song Session
            • 1st I.C for Publicity Material for Sec 1 CCA Trial 2018
            • 2nd I.C for Sec 1 CCA Trial 2018
            Athene Yap Ann Teng
            •   Assistant Company Treasurer
            • 2nd I.C for Activities/Camp Funds
            • 2nd I.C for all Gadget Making Activities
            Chan Xin Ting Bernice
            • First Aider for odd weeks
            • 2nd I.C for Archiving the activities of Guides
            Tan Jia Wen
            •  In charge of Camp Patrol Flag Competition
            • IC 3rd I.C for Sec2 5-point programme and Proficiency badgework
            Sai Shnyenn
            • First Aider for odd weeks
            • 4th I.C. for 1st I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            Charlene Teo En
            •  I.C of Sec1 Welfare
            • 3rd I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
            • Guides Cookie Project Sec 1 I.C
            Levelle Foo Jieying
            • First Aider for even weeks
            • 2nd I.C for Song Session
            • I.C of Sec 3 Welfare
            Lee Shi Hann Naomi
            • Guides Cookie Project O.I.C
            • I.C for Guides Cookie Sale Poster
            • 1st I.C for Free Being Me Programme
            Joline Chan Wan Ni
            • First Aider for even weeks
            • Guides Cookie Project Sec 2 I.C
            • I.C of Sec 2 Welfare
            Lee Qing Qian
            •    1st I.C for Archiving the activities of Guides
            • Photographer for even week activities
            Ang Jia Xuan
            •   2nd I.C. for Pioneer Skill Training
            • 2nd I.C for Free Being Me Programme
            • Guides Cookie Project Sec 4 I.C
            Tan Hui Yu
            • Guides Cookie Project Sec 3 I.C
            • 4th I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework

                      Duty & Responsibility

                      Name of Student
                      Duty & Responsibility
                      Soh Yu Jia
                      • Planning of odd weeks programme
                      • 1st IC for Pioneer Skill Training
                      • 1st I.C for all Tent Pitching
                      • Annual Camp Commandant
                      • I.C of Guides Website
                      • 2nd I.C for Sec 3 Proficiency Badgework
                      • 1st I.C of footdrill and discipline
                      • 1st I.C for sharing of skills with Other CCAs
                      Ang Yu Thong
                      • Planning of even weeks programme
                      • Monitoring Sec 1 to 3 Whatapps and information
                      • 1st I.C for East Division Day
                      • I.C for School National Day Contingent
                      • 2nd IC for School Open House Guides booth
                      • 1st I.C for Sec 3 Proficiency Badgework
                      • I.C for Liaison with Guides HQ
                      • 1st IC for sec 1 CCA Trial 2019
                      • 2nd I.C of footdrill and discipline
                      Kuan Jing Xuan
                      • Attendance for Coy 1
                      • Annual Camp Assistant Commandant
                      • 1st I.C for all Gadget Making Activity
                      • 1st I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
                      • O.I.C. of Welfare
                      • 2nd IC for sec 1 CCA Trial 2019
                      • 1st I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies
                      Leow Ying Xuan
                      • Attendance for Coy 2
                      • 2nd I.C for outdoor cooking
                      • 2nd I.C for Pioneer Skill Training
                      • 1st IC for school open house guides booth
                      • 1st I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
                      • 2nd I.C for East Division Day
                      • 1st I.C for Flag Pole Pitching
                      Ng Shi Qing
                      • 1st I.C for Logistics and guides room
                      • 2nd I.C for all Tent Pitching
                      • In charge of Camp Patrol Flag Competition
                      • I.C for Guides Cookie Sale Poster
                      • 2nd I.C for sharing of skills with Other CCAs
                      Sherlyn Law
                      • 1st IC for Song Session
                      • Company Treasurer
                      • IC of Activities/Camp funds
                      • 2nd I.C for Flag Pole Pitching
                      Jamie Lim
                      • First Aider for even and odd weeks
                      • 2nd I.C for Sec 2 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
                      Lee Jing Yi
                      • 2nd I.C for Song Session
                      • Guides Cookie Project O.I.C and Sec 4 I.C
                      • Photographer for even week activities
                      • Welfare Officer Sec 3
                      Choo Yi Ning
                      • Company Secretary/Scribe
                      • 2nd I.C for all Tent Pitching
                      • 1st I.C for Free Being Me Programme
                      • 2nd I.C for Public Sales of Guides Cookies
                      Higashi Shion
                      • First Aider for odd weeks
                      • IC of Archiving the activities of Guides
                      • Photographer for odd week activities
                      • 3rd I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
                      Liew Weng Yan
                      • I.C. of Sec 1 Welfare
                      • 2nd I.C for Sec 1 5-point programme and Proficiency Badgework
                      • Guides Cookie Project Sec 1 I.C
                      • 3rd I.C for sharing of skills with Other CCAs
                      Eryn Hoo
                      • 2nd I.C for Logistics and guides room
                      • 1st I.C for outdoor cooking
                      • Guides Cookie Project Sec 3 I.C
                      • 2nd I.C for Free Being Me Programme
                      Grace Lee
                      • First Aider for even weeks
                      • Guides Cookie Project Sec 2 I.C
                      • I.C. of Sec 2 Welfare

                      by class :-)

                      Shannon Effendi (COY 1 ACL/Sec 2 5 Point)
                      Yuen Zhi Xin (Dove SPL/Secretary/Scribe)
                      Valerie Ng (Mynah PS/Sec 2 5 point)
                      Jovin Shi (Oriole SPL/Treasurer)
                      Mikaela Ong (Dove PS/First Aider/Song Session)
                      Ong Yun Ning (Jasmine PS/Photographer)
                      Jean Ong (COY 2 QM/Gadget Making)
                      Koh Yu Jia (Jasmine PL/Sec 3 5 Point/First Aider)
                      Loh Kar Man (COY 1 QM/Tent Pitching/Sec 1 5 Point)
                      Melise Poon (Hibiscus PS)
                      Yvette Tan (Oriole PS/Assistant Treasurer/Camp funds)
                      Chong Qian Yin (COY 2 CL/Footdrills/Discipline/Sec 3 5 Point)
                      Chrystal Lim (Orchid PS/Photographer)
                      Lim Rui Jia (Sunflower PL/First Aider/Song Session)
                      Chang Jia Xuan (Mynah PL/First Aider)
                      Carina Sim (Orchid PL/Tent Pitching/Gadget Making) 
                      Calista Tan (Sunflower PS/Sec 2 5 Point)
                      Liew Jieyun (COY 2 ACL/Annual Camp Assistant)
                      Tan Rui Qi (Hibiscus PL)
                      Chevvone Koo (Sparrow PL/First Aider)
                      Katherine Goh (COY 1 CL/Footdrills/Discipline/Annual Camp)
                      Shannon Soh (Sparrow PS/Sec 1 5 Point/First Aider)

                      in order of class :)

                      Ho Xue Wei (Mynah PL/Company Scribe)
                      Hazel Khoo (Hibiscus PL)
                      Cheng Zhi Ning ( Oriole PL/First Aider)
                      Tammi Toh Jing En ( CL/Drilling Mistress)
                      Yeo Jun Ting (HIsbiscus PS/Initiatives)
                      Yeo Xiu Min (Dove PS/Assist Treasurer)
                      Lim Li Ying (CL/Drilling Mistress)
                      Ong Si Ying Alicia (Jasmine Pl/First Aider/Song Mistress)
                      Tian Wen Yi ( Orchid PL/First Aider/Song Mistress)
                      Ng Pei Qi Rachel (Jasmine PS/Sec 1 5 Point)
                      Chua Xi Wen ( Sparrow PL/Tent Pitching/Gadget Making)
                      Lim Yu Yi Megan (Mynah PS/Photgrapher)
                      Mary Magdalene Thay Xiao( Oriole PS/Photographer)
                      Tay Shin Ping Erin (Dove PL/Treasurer)
                      Yeo Min Yi (ACL/5 Point)
                      Yong Qi Hui Janice ( Sunflower PS/Sec 2 5 Point)
                      Goh Yi Xuan (ACL/Sec 3 5 Point)
                      Theng Jin Yun (Orchid PS Sec 1 5 Point)
                      Faith Ong (QM/Logistics/Tent Pitching/Gadget Making)
                      Lau Hor Yan Vanessa( Sparrow PS/Sec 25 Point)
                      Annabelle Goh Min Xuan (QM/Logistics/Sec 2 5 Point)
                      Chew Wan Yee Natalie (Sunflower PL/First Aider)
                      Tan Xing Lin

                      2014 - 2015 
                      in order of class (:

                      Lee Kah Yin (COY 2 ACL / 5-Point)
                      Leong Yong Yu (Hibiscus PS / Cheering Mistress)
                      Ng Wi En (Sparrow PL / COY 2 Initiatives)
                      Adelle Wee Xing Min (Oriole PL / NYAA Coordinator)
                      Koh Qi Yi (Mynah PL / Information Management)
                      Sheena Ng (Mynah PS)
                      Wong Zing Rong (Hibiscus PL)
                      Loh Ming Li, Esther
                      Ng Shi Qi, Carrie (COY 1 CL / Discipline Mistress)
                      Lee Hui Ting (Orchid PL / PTI)
                      Foo Jun Wei (Orchid PS / First Aider)
                      Wang Jia Yi (Dove PS)
                      Tan Xing Lin (Dove PL / First Aider)
                      Chng Wen Ting, Dinise (Sunflower PS)
                      Esther Seow Wen Hui (Jasmine PS / Cheering Mistress)
                      Hannah Wong Ann-Nie (COY 1 QM / Drilling Mistress / Cheering Mistress / Sec3&4 Badgework IC)
                      Ng Shu Qing Eunice (Jasmine PL / COY 1 Initiatives)
                      Tan Tse Qi, Rachel (COY 2 CL / Discipline Mistress)
                      Lee Yu Qing (COY 1 ACL / 5-Point)
                      Cheng Meng Yui, Elissa (Sunflower PL / First Aider)
                      Ong Seow Khim (COY 2 QM / Drilling Mistress / Sec 1&2 Badgework IC)

                      In Order of Class :D :D

                      Tan Ying Ying (COY 2 ACL / 5-Point / Drilling Mistress)
                      Koh Qing (Jasmine PS / Cheering Mistress)
                      See Yu Qing (Orchid PL / COY 1 Initiatives)
                      Bella Wong (Oriole PS / COY 2 Initiatives)
                      Tan Xin Hui (Mynah PL / Information Management)
                      Cheng Wei Ting (COY 1 AQM)
                      Koh Jia Xuan (Sunflower PS / First Aider)
                      Lee Quan Fang (Hibiscus PL / First Aider)
                      Jazel Koh Chin (COY 1 CL / Drilling Mistress / Discipline Mistress)
                      Lim Wei Ran (COY 1 AQM / Sec 1 & 4 Badge work I/C)
                      Nyang Bing Pei (COY 2 CL / Discipline Mistress)
                      Lim Jie Ai (Orchid PS / Cheering Mistress)
                      Yap Hsin Chen (COY 1 ACL / 5-Point)
                      Tan Cai Leng (COY 2 AQM / Sec 2 & 3 Badge work I/C)
                      Lim Jia Ying, Jasmine (Dove PL / PTI)
                      Zhang Jing Yu (COY 2 QM )
                      Charlotte Tan Hui Ming (Oriole PL / COY 2 Initiatives)
                      Koh Si Yun
                      Cherie Kwek Le Jie (Sunflower PL / COY 1 Initiatives)
                      Lim Cheng Sing (Sparrow PL / PTI)
                      Huang Lu Jing (Jasmine PL / First Aider)
                      Tan Kai Ting Lynette ( Sparrow PS / Information Management)

                      By Class ~ :)

                      Chua Min Hui (COY 2 ACL / 5-Point)
                      Fiona Ong Jia Ling (COY 1 CL / Discipline Mistress)
                      Pertina Seah Hui Xian (Orchid PL / Initiatives)
                      Shailyn Soh Ginn Yee (Kingfisher PL / Initiatives)
                      Teh Xin Lei (Ixora PL / Initiatives)
                      Katty Teo Kai Heng (COY 2 AQM / Cheering Mistress)
                      Kezia Neo Hui Ting (COY 1 ACL / 5-Point)
                      Leow Si Yun (Hibiscus PL / PTI)
                      Lim Yi Lin Desiree (Sparrow PL / First Aider)
                      Ng Hwee Bee May (Sparrow PS / First Aider)
                      Ng Kai Ying (COY 2 QM / Badgework IC)
                      Soh Tian Hui (Oriole PS / First Aider)
                      Vionna Ngoh Ee Qian (Hibiscus PS / Cheering Mistress)
                      Yip Lynn (COY 1 QM / Drilling Mistress)
                      Choo Kay Leen (Sunflower PL / Initiatives)
                      Siow Jia Wen (COY 2 CL / Discipline Mistress)
                      Tan Jaymie (Dove PS / PTI)
                      Tan Si Jia (Jasmine PL / Cheering Mistress)
                      Goh Kai Ying
                      Fion Lee Ching Yi (COY 1 AQM / Badgework IC)
                      Ong Simin (COY 1 AQM / Drilling Mistress)
                      Chua Hui (Sunflower PS / Publication)
                      Chua Ying (Mynah PS / Publication)
                      Han Ci Hui (Ixora PS / First Aider)
                      Koh Xin Le Joey (Orchid PS / Publication)
                      Yap Ai Hui Gwendolyn (Mynah PL / PTI)
                      Caroline Zhang Rong (COY 2 AQM / Initiatives)
                      Chevlene Ang Hui Min (Dove PL / Initiatives)
                      Lim Jia Hui (Oriole PL / Cheering Mistress)

                      By Class :DDDDD

                      Tan Xi Qing, Anna (COY 2 ACL / 5-Point)
                      Vernessa Kwa Lee Ling (Sunflower PL / Initiatives)
                      Wong Jie Er (COY 1 ACL / 5-Point)
                      Jaydee Siew Jin Yi (Dove PS / Scribe)
                      Tan Sze Xuan, Crystal (Ixora PS / Scribe)
                      Loh Le Xin (COY 1 CL / Drilling Mistress)
                      Ou Kar Ye, Isadora (Jasmine PS / First Aider)
                      Choong Huey Wen (Sunflower PS / First Aider)
                      Low Jia Yu (Kingfisher PS / Scribe)
                      Yim Wan Ting (COY 1 AQM / Badgework IC)
                      Kong Yen Ting (Hibiscus PS / First Aider)
                      Seah Jiajia, Ashley (Mynah PS/ Cheering Mistress)
                      Soh Li Yuan (Orchid PS / PTI)
                      Chia Wee Teng (Sparrow PS / Cheering Mistress)
                      Stephanie Lim Wei Ling (Orchid PL / Cheering Mistress)
                      Ang Wan Fei Abigail (Jasmine PL / First Aider)
                      Ren Jia Wen (Oriole PS / PTI)
                      Alicia Lim Jia Zhen (Hibiscus PL / Drilling Mistress)
                      Khiu Jia En (Mynah PL / PTI)
                      Lim Pei Qi (COY 1 Secretary / Treasurer)
                      Siew Ru Jun (COY 2 Secretary / Treasurer)
                      Yee Jia Yu (Oriole PL / PTI)
                      Soh Ginn Ling (Dove PL / Initiatives)
                      Teo Jaf Qi (COY 1 QM / Discipline Mistress)
                      Catherine Ang Kai Xin (COY 2 CL / Drilling Mistress)
                      Chan Wei Ling Jane (Sparrow PL / Initiatives)
                      Goh Xiao Qing (Ixora PL / Cheering Mistress)
                      Lim Zhuo Min, Germaine (Kingfisher PL / Discipline Mistress)
                      Toh Zhi Yun (COY 2 QM / Badgework IC)
                      Vivian Chng Minhui (COY 2 AQM / Drilling Mistress)

                      BY CLASS :D

                      Dena Andina Suhadi (Jasmine PL, Initiatives & Scribe/Admin)
                      Tan Winnie (COY O1 Quarter Master, Drilling)
                      Cheryl Chin (COY 02 CL, PTI & Cheering)
                      Lim Jasmine (COY 01 CL, Discipline & Drilling)
                      Foo Yuki (COY 02 Quarter Master, Treasurer)
                      Ng Xing Hwee (Dove PL, First Aider)
                      Zoee Toh (COY 01 ACL, PTI & 5-Point)
                      Jasmine Yar (COY 02 ACL, 5-Point & Treasurer)
                      Yeo Kai Teng (Sparrow PL, Initiatives)
                      Mandy Koh (Orchid PL, Cheering)
                      Tan Sing Yee (Oriole PL, First Aider & Scribe/Admin)


                      Jezreel Ler (Ixora PL/Company 01 Treasurer)
                      Abigail Leong (Sparrow PL/PTI)
                      Cherlyn Tan (Dove PS/Cheering Mistress)
                      Nicole Ng (Company 01 ACL/PTI)
                      Celestine Cheow (Jasmine PS)
                      Jess Neo (Sparrow PS/Initiatives IC)
                      Lee Peishan (Company 01 QM)
                      Ng Phuishan (Orchid PS/First Aider)
                      Belinda Phua (Ixora PS/Badgework IC)
                      Low Huixian (Company 02 ACL/Drilling Mistress)
                      Sandy Ong (Company 02 CL/Drilling Mistress)
                      Toh Siewting (Oriole PL/Company 02 Treasurer)
                      Toh Zhiqi (Company 02 QM/Dove PL/Badgework IC)
                      Ester Yeo (Orchid PL/Badgework IC)
                      Lim Yuting (Sunflower PS/Scribe)
                      Low Shuying (Kingfisher PL/Initiatives IC)
                      Theresa Wan (Oriole PS/(First Aider)
                      Amanda Cheah (Company 01 CL/Discipline Mistress)
                      Joanna Ng Sue Ann (Sunflower PL/Cheering Mistress)
                      Li Anqi (Kingfisher PS/Initiatives IC)


                      Jennifer Ang (Orchid PS)
                      Genevieve Pang (COY 2 Quarter Mistress/Treasurer)
                      Chang Bing Lin (COY 2 ACL/5 Point)
                      Adeline Yeo (COY 1 CL/Discipline Mistress)
                      Kelly Chong (COY 1 Quarter Mistress/Cheering Mistress)
                      Choo Le Qin (COY 2 AQM/Badgework I/C)
                      Choo Le Min (COY 1 AQM/Treasurer)
                      Sng YiLin (Oriole PL/Initiatives I/C)
                      Geraldine Lee (Sunflower PS)
                      Crystal Phuan (Ixora PL)
                      Jacquelyn Soh (COY 2 CL/Drilling Mistress)
                      Teo Yu Ling (Sparrow PS/Scribe I/C)
                      Pearlyn Woon (Dove PS)
                      Han Hui Chuen (Kingfisher PS)
                      Catrin Marcellina (Sparrow PL/Cheering Mistress)
                      Lim Rui Si (Dove PL/PTI)
                      Ng Ching Peng (Oriole PS)
                      Lim Xue Jing (Ixora PS)
                      Aslyn Yeo (Kingfisher PL/First Aider)
                      Charmaine Choo (Sunflower PL/Scribe I/C)
                      Lin Uen Fang (Jasmine PS)
                      Hong An Ping (Jasmine PL/First Aider)
                      Amelia Ong (Orchid PL/Drilling Mistress)
                      Madeline Tan (COY 1 ACL/PTI)

                      BY CLASS--

                      Samantha Tay Xin Pei [[Jasmine PL// First Aider//Badgework i/c]]
                      Cherie Wong Xin Yi [[Company 02 CL]]
                      Chew Wanting [[Company 02 ACL// Treasurer]]
                      Grace Chua Qin Jin [[Sunflower PL// Cheering Mistress]]
                      Zou Xianwei [[Company 01 ACL// PT Instructor]]
                      Sia Waikhee [[Oriole PL//Badgework i/c//PT Instructor]]
                      Lim Huiyan [[Sparrow PL//First Aider//Drilling Mistress]]
                      Heng Swanser [[Dove PL// COY 02 Quarter Mistress]]
                      Ng Yijie (JT) [[Kingfisher PL// Scribe]]
                      Aloysia Tan WM [[Orchid PL//COY01 Quarter Mistress]]
                      Ng Yijie (RP) [[Company 01 CL// Discipline Mistress]]
                      Lee Meizhen [[Ixora PL// Drilling Mistress]]