Saturday 18 February 2012

Thinking day event on 18/02/12 @ Scape

Hi Sec 3s and 2s,

Those that are going for the thinking day tmr, pls report to the scape entrance to catherine CL or me at 9.15am sharp in your full guides uniform. Please also bring along your beret. Those who have missing items for their full uniform and attire will be given double punishments. 

Those involved in cookies sale are to report to Ms Esther at performing area, level 1 at 8.15am. Your duty will end latest by 3pm.

Those involved in wide games are to bring the required materials. Sijia, Jiawen, Shailyn and Pertina, the 4 of you are to join in with the rest of the guides after the wide game ends.

ALL of you (except those in craft booth and cookie booth) are to make 2 craft out of the 4 craft activity. After finishing the 2 craft, pls show it to Catherine CL or me so that we can tick it against your name.

Things to bring:
Packed sandwich (as lunch is not provided)
Water bottle (preferably plain water)
1 pair of scissors
Song list
Cash as there will be a mini carnival

All of you are supposed to report back to Catherine CL or me at the end of the session to sign on the attendance list. PLEASE DO NOT SHOP ALONG ORCHARD ROAD AT ALL TIMES DURING THE EVENT.
