Wednesday 15 February 2012

Total defence badgework for SEC 1S

Total Defence Badge (Bronze) for Sec 1s 2012
Hey Sec1s! This is the first time you all are doing badgework. Doing badgework is a part of our CCA. We apply our skills to complete tasks and assignments. The purpose of doing badgeworks for proficiency badges is to allow guides to apply different skills, learn new skills, know how work with others and care for things around us. Thus, it makes our guides all-rounded and develops our guides’ character. 

After completing and passing the badgework, you will receive a badge to sew on the guides’ full uniform (we’ll bring you all to buy at a later date). This is one of the simpler badgeworks. In the future, you all can get to go for interesting courses to learn new skills! It is important to hand in your work on time just like how you should for your homework. Punctuality is very important in girl guides and all other UGs. At the same time, you won’t trouble the teachers and seniors with your late work as we need time to process your work. Please hand in your work by the deadline.
Part one: To explain Total Defence and its necessity (Individual work)
Guides are to do up a poster to promote and create awareness among the people about Total Defence. The poster must be able to effectively explain at least one of the five aspects of total defence – economic, social, military, civil and psychological defence and needs to include the total defence logo. The poster needs to be at least A4 in size, at most A3. The poster can either be hand drawn or done using the computer and printed out (DO NOT JUST COPY AND PASTE FROM ANY WEBSITE. IT MUST BE ORIGINAL.)

Posters will be graded based on how relevant it is to total defence and how effectively it can explain the aspect chosen by the guide. Detailed works will receive higher marks. The amount of effort put into the work by every guide plays a very important role in the marks they will receive. Interesting and attractive work will also be given a higher grade.

Part two: To provide incentive to participate in Total Defence (Group work) (3 groups of 5, 2 groups of 6)
This assignment consists of two parts, a photo and a write up.
In the photo, guides in each group will imitate items using body movements. For example, if you choose to represent a hut, two can imitate the roof; another two can imitate pillars, while the last one imitates a bench inside the hut. The different parts are to represent different aspects of total defence (e.g. the roof represents military defence). The photo needs to include at least three different aspects of total defence and each part can only represent one aspect. Photos are to be taken clearly. It can be taken from many different angles if one angle is not sufficient to show clearly what they are imitating. (THE IDEA OF USING A HUT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED SO PLEASE USE YOUR CREATIVITY TO COME OUT WITH SOMETHING ELSE)

A short write up of 150-200 words (cannot exceed half a page) is required to explain the photo. In the write up, you need to show your understanding of the aspects of total defence which your group have chosen and relate how each part signifies each aspect. The write up should include five paragraphs. Paragraph 1: each group members name, class and patrol. Paragraph 2: a short and detailed introduction stating who is imitating which part and the aspect that part represents. Paragraph 3-5: each paragraph on one part and its relevance to the corresponding total defence aspect.
The photo is to be printed in colour while the write up is to be typed and printed out using Arial font size 12. Both the write up and the photo must be stapled together with all names, classes and patrols of each member in the group written clearly at the start of the write up. 

Do you all know that today is Total Defence Day?:D Please put in effort and do a proper job for this badgework, a sloppy work will not be accepted. Since this is a compulsory badge, top 3 entries from each company (we’ve company 1 & 2, you will be in one of the company) will be awarded! All assignments (part one and two) are to be handed in to either AQMs (Vivian@4RP or Wan Ting@4FG) by 29 February 2012. Thank You!

~AQMs (: