Tuesday 13 March 2012

CIP work for sec 1, 2 and 4

HI Guides!

The 'mass clean-up along Singapore River' activity (refer to the red words below) will be open for you all to sign up. (only the river clean up provides CIP hours!)
You can also participate in the fun walk and kite flying activity with your friends and family if you are interested.

United Nations marks World Water Day every year on the 22nd of March. PUB will be celebrating the occasion with island-wide activities on the 24th March 2012 (timing is not confirm)
The theme for this year is “Singapore Celebrates World Water Day: Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters For All”.
As part of the many water-related activities of the day, we would be having the following events at Marina Barrage and its surrounding areas.

1. A mass clean-up along Singapore River. This is to remind our community the importance of keeping the reservoir clean, so that we can continue to enjoy its scenery, beauty and water supply. Participants will be guided by volunteers, trained by Waterways Watch Society, at designated clean-up sites. At the end of the clean-up, participants will be getting a goodie bag and light refreshment at Marina Barrage, where they can enjoy the carnival.
2. “Walk for Water” – A fun walk where participants will get to walk along Gardens By The Bay East, enjoying the new park’s scenery, ending at Marina Barrage where a carnival awaits. The walk signify how people in some countries have to walk for miles to get water and how we should appreciate the waters that we have. The walk is approximately for 2.5km.
3. Participants can also opt for our mass kite-flying activity at the Green Rooftop of Marina Barrage!
As the secondary 3s will be going to HQ for canvas tent pitching, you cannot sign up for the above CIP.

Those who is interested, pls sms your respectively CL (coy 1 sms lexin @83883490, coy 2 sms catherine@97400696) the following details latest by thurs night( 15 march) :
1) Name
2) Contact no. 
3) The activity you would like to participate in (either activity 1,2 or 3)
4)No. of participate (no. of family members if they are taking part in the walk for water with you)
5)Email address
6) Home address

Thank you!