Thursday 22 March 2012

Coy 1 Kite- Making! (21/3/12)

Helloo guides!

It was a really fun experience ytd! We learned how to make kites out of simple materials and tried to fly them afterwards.
Actually, kites are very simple to make. We only require two sticks of different lengths, string or twine, masking tape and a garbage bag to make a kite. What we did ytd was tying the shorter stick to the longer one using a square lashing. The shorter stick must be placed horizontally on the longer stick. Once the square lashing is done, we tied knots on one end of the shorter stick and pulled the twine over to the top of the kite and tied another knot, making sure that the twine is tight enough. This goes on until all four sides of the frame are done and we can see a kite shape. Next, we placed the kite on the garbage bag and cut the garbage according to the shape of the kite, making sure we leave some space. Then, we folded the spaces in and used masking tape to tape them, hence completing the kite. Some decorations were made on the kite as a touch-up.

What are kites for if they’re not used for… FLYING? 

                                           Kiddy like Hueywen PS

So after we made the kites, we tried to fly them. I wondered what other people thought when they saw the girl guides trying to fly kites and shouting and running like kids? 

                                           Guides who tried to run to fly the kite, but failed.. >.<

Afterwards, we sat down and discussed what hindered the flying of the kite. In the end, we came up with three conclusions.
1. There was not really much space to fly the kites.
2. There was no wind. (J)
3. We did not know how to fly kites.

                                           Unglam little blue riding hood Lexin CL

My whisper of truth (my opinion): The sticks were too thin. We required thicker sticks so that we could cut a notch at the end of the sticks to pass the twine or string through. The twine must be tight and the garbage bag must also be taped as tight as possible. Perhaps the sticks were too heavy and the plastic too light. Of course, there was really not enough space for us to fly the kites and many of us did not know how to start. Although there was this one kite which flew for a few seconds.

Anyway, this has really been a fun and educating lesson for us and I hope we can have an outing where we fly kites soon!!

~Vernessa PL