Sunday 25 March 2012

Coy 2 Cupcake Baking ^^

Hmm.. Do you girls enjoy buying cupcakes from any bakeries out there or making your own? I bet most of your answers would be making your own right?

This cupcake making initiative was specially organised for this!
On this very special wednesday 21/2/2012, we coy 2 girls head out to the OSAC International College Pastry Kitchen Level 1 at Telok Kurau Lor J to learn a new skill. We were split into two buses with 39 guides and 19 guides to get there. The driver of the bus with 39 guides, did not know the way there and there was problem communicating with him in English so we had to show our bilingual skills by speaking mandarin. We nearly lost our way! o_O

We arrived there at 3pm (together with the bus with 19 guides which set off for the pastry kitchen later than us!) and were warmly welcome by our cupcake teacher Pauline and her three other instructors! (: We went in in groups and got ready by standing by at our designated area. The guides look very excited. Soon, Teacher Pauline made a lively introduction. She showed us a demonstration of how the cupcakes could be made in 20 minutes. Really professional! She managed to entertain us too. Many of our guides were giggling because the colour of the cupcake batter looked wrong.

Teacher Pauline was nice and friendly and joined in with our jokes. I found her very tactful. She ensured that every girl in any corner of the kitchen can see her demonstration. She shared with us her experiences in baking too. For example, if she prefers mixers or mixing by hand; investments in mixing bowls etc. We did not make the ganache, due to time constraint, so we watched Teacher Pauline made, and she allowed us to dip our tiny fingers in to lick, if they were clean! (:

After a short denonstration, she set us off to try making the cupcakes ourselves. Teacher Pauline emphasised that the part on folding the batter to be very essential as it could affect the quality of our bakes.

For my group (group six), we took turns to do the mixing of butter, sugar and coffee powder, egg, cream, buttermilk and flour.

I am sure it was the same for the other ten groups right, guides? (: Other instructors were actively playing their part and guiding us when we were not sure. After all the mixing and folding of batter was done, we piped them into the pink little paper cups.

Our dear cupcakes were popped into the oven for fourteen minutes there after. The smell of the cupcakes in the process of baking, lingered in the air. It was like a total luxury!! Watching your bakes 'come to life' after fourteen minutes, was simply the best thing you could ever experience! You may feel like the parents of your own cupcakes!

We went to another kitchen while waiting for the cupcakes to cool, so we can pipe the ganache. So much of fun, laughter and jokes! (:

After a short wait, we were back in the kitchen getting ready to decorate our cupcakes, we piped the prepared ganache and added colourful decorations.

As proud owners of our cupcakes, we kept them in the containers we brought, ready to 'show off' the pretty cupcakes we made to everyone.

We showed our appreciation to Teacher Pauline and other instructors, took a group shot and went back to school, to join the coy1 guides. (:

For me!:

I could not fold the batter properly initially (I'm sure the guides in my group know that!).. However, after one of the instructors taught me again, and watching how my other patrol members folded, I finally knew how to! *smiles* I think that was what the workshop was all about. We learnt new things from one another, bond, learn a new skill and forge greater ties!

For me, I thought the piping process was totally cool as our patience were tested. We had to pipe properly, to the half of the cups. My skills of piping the batter and ganache was quite horrid at first, but practice makes perfect! It became much presentable eventually! (:

Guides, I hope you had have fun and learnt many useful baking skills through this initiative!

I learnt a lot and enjoyed planning for it, making the cupcakes and eating the cupcakes. (They are really yummy!!! Wished we made more!)

P.s. Teacher Pauline hopes to get our feedbacks on her facebook page: Cookies decorating in Singapore or her website:! (: If you guys are free, do give your feedbacks! (:
Do look foward to more exciting initiatives oh! (:

-Jane PL <3