Saturday 3 March 2012

Guides Activity on 02/03/2012!! :D :D

Hey Guides! Did you enjoy yourself during the o2/o3 Activity?? I hope you did, because I definitely enjoyed myself! 
Firstly, we had the skit performance by the various patrols! Honestly speaking, it was my first time watching/participating in a skit performance during Guides! It was really refreshing! Along the way, there were plenty of laughter, joy and excitement. Though I did not take part in my patrol’s performance, watching all the patrols putting in effort to come up with such wonderful performances sure made me touched and elated!

Another activity that was memorable for me was the Balloon Game! The cacophony of the sound of balloons bursting, the screaming, and laughter, made the scene really chaotic! Despite so, I think that most of you had enjoyed yourselves, didn’t you? J So yeap, kudos to the CLs and ACLs for coming up with such an interesting activity by incorporating the history of Guides together with games! ;D

Looking forward to the next Guides activity,

Vivian AQM  :D