Friday 2 March 2012

Pioneer Course :D

Pioneer course on 3rd March
Hi! This is a reminder to guides who are going the pioneer course tmr :) :
Pls reach Guides HQ by 8.45am, in school PE shirt, shorts and socks. The course is estimated to end latest by 6.00pm, so pls inform ur parents if they are planning to fetch u home from there. Those who have compass, poncho or groundsheet can just bring along, if don't have also nevermind (the items for tmr will be provided by HQ) :). Remember to bring money for lunch and u all may also want to bring along an umbrella in case of rain....
Must behave yourselves k! Talk less and pay attention to instructions, and also take initiative to answer questions. Must greet teachers, trainers and other guiders even if it's outside school and ur seniors aren't there. At the end of the day, don't forget to thank them too :D! Have fun~~~
Xoxo, QMs & AQMs <3