Friday 16 March 2012

Service Learning Project :))

Hi Sec 3s guides :) Please take note :)
Like what you all have done last year, the Service Learning reflection is back once again ~~ :D

I need you all to form groups of 3 to 4 (2 also can, if necessary), with the guides from YOUR CURRENT CLASS. Try to split into Coy 1 and Coy 2, no I mean you MUST split into Coy 1 and Coy 2 :) 
If there are way too little guides from your class, you do not need to participate in this reflection :) 

As a group, please discuss and then send me the following list of details regarding your CURRENT (this year's) Service Learning project:

- Title of project
- Aim of project (include the organisation that you are/will be serving)
- Name of group members (indicate group leader)
- Class
- Starting date of project & date of completion

The deadline is: 19 March, Monday :)
If you have any queries, do sms Catherine CL @ 97400696 :) If you need time extension, please do so too :)

Thank you :D

~ CLs :))