Wednesday 4 April 2012

Cleaning of HQ storeroom!

Hi guides,
the HQ has offered us a chance to send 10 volunteers to help clear the HQ storeroom.

Details are as follow:
Date: 18, 19, 20 April
Time:18 April: 3-6pm     19 April: 3-6pm      20 April: 2-5pm
Venue: Bishan guides HQ

As long as you all are fast enough to clear the room, you do not have to go back on the last day (20April).
Excuse slip will be given on 20 April.
As this rare opportunity offers us PNA points, i hope more sec 2 and 3 can join. :)

If you are interested, pls sms lexin CL @83883490 by wed 10pm.

Thank you,