Wednesday 18 April 2012

Photo Order! ♥


The sample guides' photos are here already! Please sms me your order BY MONDAY! You can pass to me the photo money BY TUESDAY! 
Guides, Im sorry for the rush, but MYE is coming so it will be pretty rush for me to collate all your orders, so as far as you can, try to meet the deadline okay. :D
If you want to buy any orders (shown below), simply sms me @83883490 asap. ( best if straight after you see this post then you sms me to order [; )
Sms me your :
Photo that you want to buy (formal 1, formal 2, informal)
Note that each photo is $4. If you want to buy all three photo, it will cost $12.
YOU CAN PASS ME THE PHOTO MONEY BEFORE FRC OR AFTER SCHOOL AS LONG AS ITS BY TUESDAY. I will usually be in class at 7am, if not you can also pass the money to Isadora PS who is also in my class. I will also be in school till 6pm almost everyday before MYE, just sms me and you can come and look for me :)

 Formal 1 (without background)
 Formal 2 (with background)

Sorry about the small and unclear photo, it is the best i can do already, (i know there is some typo error where we become the girl brigade, but dont worry, it will be amended) if you are interested, just drop by my class 4 EP (located at 2nd level old block nearest to field) and i will show you the original photo :)
Please bring the EXACT amount of money when you come my class to look for me. 
Sms me your order before you come to my class to pay for the photo. If not i can also show you the photo on the spot and you can order and pay me straight away.

Note: PLS MAKE SURE YOU SMS ME THE CORRECT ORDER, esp the formal 1 and formal 2 photo, do not mixed it up!

All the best for your MYE, Guides!

~Lexin CL