Tuesday 22 May 2012

Activity on 23 May 2012 :)

Hi Guides :)

There will be activity this Wednesday, 23 May 2012 :D

This is the last activity before the Sec 4 seniors step down. :((((((((((((((

So show us your best attitude alright!! ;)

For activity this Wednesday, please fall in in guides half-uniform at 2.30pm SHARP. Please remember to cut your fingernails, pin up your fringe and tuck in your shirt neatly. Only 4 fingers high socks are allowed.

Please be reminded that you should start greeting by 2.30pm and END BY 2.45pm. 

For those who have lessons ending late, please also report at 2.30pm. You will be given time to eat afterwards. For those who have been absent from the previous activities, please take the initiative to pass your MC/Parents' letter to the STs before you fall in.

Like the post below, you all will be having your 5-point test :)
Sec 1s: Outdoor 1.1 - 1,4
Sec 2s: Outdoors 2.1 - 2.3
Sec 3s: Outdoors 3.1 - 3.2
Since it's after the exams already, everybody should study for the test and PASS okay! ^^

Alright that's all. :)

Thank you :D

~ CLs