Tuesday 29 May 2012

Speaker badge for Sec 2s :))

Hi Sec2 Guides, hoped you did well for your Midyears :) Sorry for only informing you about this badgework at such a late time. The speaker badge will be held on the same day as Entertainer Badge. Please note there may be a change in date, of which we will inform you by latest Wed (During Activity)

For this badge, it will be individual work.

Firstlyyou will be required to recite a passage/paragraph/poem etc. of your own choice from memory. It should be no shorter than one minute, and no longer than two minutes. Do remember to bring your passage on the day itself and pass it to your tester.

Next, you will be required to read a passage that will  be provided by your tester. The passage will be given to you during Wed's activity. Please do practice sufficiently before the day of the test, and also bring your passage on the day of the test too :) Just in case some of you lose your passage, here it is as well :)

Current novels are replete with lurid crimes, carnage and death. Do you get wistful when you recall the romantic tales that begins with an innocent maiden travelling through the rustic countryside? She is dressed in glittering raiment the scene is idyllic. Without warning, the group is set upon by a white brigand, who, in the most perfunctory and callous fashion, carries her off. Pandemonium results! Her entourage is in a state of bedlam. Her corpulent escort is irate, but unable to do anything to thwart this debacle. All he can do is rail against the catastrophe. What to do? What to do? The raconteur of our story about idyllic times gone by goes on to elucidate how the comedy heroine is taken to the bandits hideout, where the wan maiden, with her spirits at their nadir, has time to ruminate her lugubrious fate. The story goes on, with the knight staging a heroic attack to rescue the maiden, seeking his adversaries. And you can probably guessed how the story continued, and how the cliché, “And they lives happily ever after,” must conclude out fabricated tale.

And lastly, you will have an impromptu conversation with the tester. You will be given a topic on the day itself, and guides will be expected to have a fluent and engaging conversation with the tester.

AND THAT'S ALL FOR SPEAKER'S BADGE :) so yup, please prepare yourself for the abovementioned clauses. Jia You!!!

Feel free to clarify any doubts with the AQMs too :)

p/s For those who have not sent WanTing AQM your grouping for Entertainer's Badge, please do so asap. Thank you :)