Friday 29 June 2012

EDD Jamboree Details

Hi Guides! :) Below are the details for EDD Jamboree tomorrow(30/6)

Attire: Guides grey tee and black track pants
(Those helping in the booth please report in guides grey tee and blue skirt [half-u] with chung cheng pe pants underneath)
Reporting time: 8am at changkat changi parade square

Guides who signed up for the following activities, please bring these items:

1. Soccer- Track shoes and track pants/pe shorts
2. Sepak Takraw & Rock climbing- track pants and shoes
3. Batik Painting- Scissors. pebbles, marbles
4. Snow City- Track pants, shoes, sock and long sleeve shirt(optional)
5. Outdoor Cooking- mess tins, fork & spoons, small tin stoves(optional)

The activities you will be doing will only be confirmed tomorrow. Please bring the necessary items for the activities you signed up for!

Rest well and hydrate yourselves tonight! See you tomorrow! :)

Kezia ACL