Thursday 12 July 2012

Activity on 13/7/12!:)

Hi Guides!:)

For this week's activity, please fall in at 2.30PM SHARP at the concourse with your Guides half u:) please ensure that your fringes are pinned up, socks pulled to at least 4 fingers above your ankle, shirt is tucked in, finger nails are cut short and please wear white socks. Please also wear pe pants inside :)

To all sec2s: you will be having your retest for entertainer's badge tomorrow. Please make necessary preparations and come prepared and confident :D do note that we have already informed you about this test two weeks before. Refer to blog post titled " Retest for entertainers and speakers badge for sec 2s + handing in of camp christine fund :))" on 1st July. So please put up your best performance :DDD

See y'all guides!:)

-Fiona CL:)