Tuesday 3 July 2012

Announcement with regards to Speech Day Contigent on 7 July 2012

Hi guides! :) Details for the actual contigent is here :) 
Date: 7 July 2012 (Saturday)
Venue: CCHY
Time: 9.30a.m.- 4.30p.m
Please fall in at the concourse at 9.15a.m. sharp in your full guides uniform together with your beret. Scarf should be neatly tied, socks should be at least 4 fingers above the ankle. Hair to be neatly braided with fringes pinned up and badges to be sewn on. Please bring along your new cord by then!

There will be a bus to send us to CCHY. The bus will leave CCHMS at 9.45a.m. sharp. So within this half an hour, the Sec3s will be conducting uniform check and taking attendance. Also, I will be pointing out some mistakes/things that you guys should take note. At CCHY, I will most likely yang tiggi y'all again just in case some of you guys forgot your positions during the previous rehersal. Lunch will most likely be provided !:)  The actual contigent will start between 2.45p.m.-3p.m. and will end earliest at 4p.m. The bus back to CCHMS will leave CCHY at 4.30p.m. All guides are to take the bus back to CCHMS except for Jasmine. If your parents want to fetch you from CCHY, you will need to get permission from Ms Juni before hand.

*Update: Sorry for any confusion guides! This announcement is only for the 25 selected guides in Sec2 and Sec3 that are part of the contigent! For the Sec1s and the other Sec2/3 that are not involved, you may ignore this post!

-Lynn QM