Tuesday 17 July 2012

Combined National Camp for sec2s and sec3s :D

Hello Guides!:D
This announcement is for SEC2 & SEC3 Guides:D 
Something exciting is comingggggggggggg~ :D
There will be a National Camp held in Pulau Tekong (San Yong Kong Camp) from 25 – 28 Aug ’12. It is organised by the NCC together with 8 other Uniformed Groups, (UG) including GGS.
 The theme “Challenging the Resilience of Our Youths” reflects the key objective of challenging our youths through interesting and tough activities and enhancing leadership skills through leading opportunities and teamwork. 
 The Opening Ceremony will be held on 25 Aug’12 at 7.00 pm. The GOH will be the Chairman, NCC Council.  The President of the Republic of Singapore will visit the camp on 27 Aug’12 at 7.00 pm for the closing ceremony and campfire.  All campers will leave Pulau Tekong for the mainland on 28 Aug’12 after lunch.
 The campers would make up of 500 cadets from different UGs and 40 places are allocated to Guides. And our school is allocated to TWO PLACES. 

PLEASE NOTE THAT : Applicants MUST be Singapore citizens and must meet the following criteria:
·         Free of allergies (food, sand, grass, insects bites, etc.)
·         Not suffering from any chronic illnesses (asthma, breathlessness, migraine, etc.)
·         Weight for height ratio: 90% to 110%
·         Be able to cycle
The cost for this camp is $30, but the school will subsidise $20, so you only need to pay $10!:D
Sadly, we only have TWO PLACES AVAILABLE FOR THIS CAMP! It is a very rare opportunity for guides to interact with other UGs from all over Singapore!:) So treasure this opportunity, guides!:D It will be very meaningful for you as additional experiences and adventures throughout your life in Guides and Chung Cheng!:DDD
So regardless whether you are in COY1 or COY2, just message me your name and email address :) FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!:DD
Thank you!:)