Friday 20 July 2012

Sec 2 Volunteers for Science Festival!:)

Please note that this event is cancelled! Science Festival has been postponed to 5 Nov. More details will be released later.

Sec 2 guides will join in Friday's activity on 27 July as per normal.

Hi Guides!:D

This notice is only for SEC2 GUIDES :) 

Chung Cheng will be having a Science Festival next friday, on 27 July, from 12.30pm to 5.30pm in school. Thus, I need 25 sec2 volunteers to help out in this event. :DThose who volunteer will be excused from guides.

For those in coy1, please sms me and for those from coy 2 , please sms Jia Wen CL your name and class by this Thursday 9PM :)

Take the initiative to volunteer, guides! :D

Fiona CL :)