Friday 10 August 2012

Greenie Beanie Day :D !

Hi Guides ! :D 
There will be a 'Greenie Beanie Day' coming up ! :D
Details as follow:

Date: Sat 3 November 2012
Time: 9.00 am to 2.00 pm
Venue: Camp Christine
Fees: $10 per Guide  
Lunch: Provided

There will be a Pre-event competition as well as an actual day competition! :D

Pre-event competition
1) Design a green beanie patch
2) Comic Strip

Details for pre-event competition. 
1.      Design a Greenie Beanie Day Patch (Pre-event competition for Brownies and Guides)
Trophies will be awarded for the top 3 winning designs. The top design would be made into an event patch and given to all participants as a souvenir.
The drawing must be fully coloured and submitted in the A4 size form attached. A description of about 100 words must be included to explain the icons used in the design. Kindly note that the design should be large and all details must be clearly visible for patch making purpose. 
Each person can only send in one entry but there is no limit to the no. of entries per school.

2.      Comic strip “Greenie Beanie Saves the Day” (Pre-event competition for Brownies and Guides)
The comic strip should consist of 6 frames telling the story of how Greenie Beanie saves the day.
The drawings must be fully coloured and submitted in an A3 size drawing paper, together with the attached form. 
Trophies will be awarded for the top 3 winning designs. Selected designs would be displayed during the Greenie Beanie Day for all to admire. 
Each person can only send in one entry but there is no limit to the no. of entries per school.

For designing a patch, you are to print out and submit page 1 and 2 of the form. 
For comic strip competition, you are to print and submit only page 1 of the form.
(* It is a must to print out the form for registration! :D)
****Forms will be sent to you by your emails! :D

There are no specific guidelines on what you can draw for both competitions, but it has to be in line with "being green/environmental-friendly". You should also include BEAN/seed into your designs. So, let all your creative juices run wild! 

Each guide is to submit BOTH the Beanie Greenie Patch as well as the Comic Strip. It is a must to do both! Please submit your entries by 24 August to your respective CLs/ ACLs ( Coy 1: Fiona CL & Kezia ACL / Coy 2: Jiawen CL & MinHui ACL)

On actual day 
1) Orienteering
2) Kim's Game

1) Orienteering 

Orienteering is a family of sports that requires navigational skills using a map and compass to navigate from point to point in diverse and usually unfamiliar terrain, and normally moving at speed. Participants are given a topographical map, usually a specially prepared orienteering map, which they use to find specific locations(will be given by the organisor).

2) Kim's Game 
(Note: This is just a rough idea of the basic Kim's Game; the actual game on the event day may/ may not be similar)
There will be 20 articles on a tray.
The game IC will uncover the tray and hold each article up, while naming it so that they whole group sees each thing and hears its name separately. Cover the tray after 2 minutes and allow the group 5 minutes to write the names of as many of the 20 objects as they can remember.

For actual day event, please choose whether you want to join orienteering or Kim's game. 
Please SMS your Patrol Leaders your preferred choice and your emails LATEST by 11 Aug (Saturday) !
State clearly whether you want to join ORIENTEERING or KIM'S GAME.

Thank You ! :D

~ MinHui ACL