Tuesday 21 August 2012

Reflections for 17/8 activity :)

When I reach the lake side, guides are sitting in circles in our EDD group to discuss about competitions. After that, we did outdoor cooking. I joined in another patrol as most of our patrol members did not come. We cooked fried rice and it was very fun as we gain skills of outdoor cooking when we are trying to set up the fire. Then, we did our five point test, it is a little different from the previous test, we are divided in groups of 3 or 4 and we have to sort out things that will be in a first aid kit and things that are not suppose to be in. Some of us also tried to tie the arm sling. I felt that this kind of test are more fun as we get to work in groups and interact with other guides than to sit down and do the test paper. After the five point test, we did a new version of PT. I like it very much as it is fun and creative, using new ways of PT allow the seniors to join us and have more fun while doing the physical training. Although the PT was tiring, it is really fun and I had a great afternoon in guides. (^_^)

Jasmine Patrol :)

Outdoor cooking!

Five point test 

Bandaging one another

-JiaXuan (Sec 2)