Sunday 5 August 2012

Reflections for Dynamite Badge (Visit to health promotion board)

On 3 august the sec1 guides went the heath promotion board for our dynamite badge.upon our reach, we were given worksheets to complete and roughly brief on what todo, then we set off for an answer hunt.i learnt from the hunt many things such as , engaging in regular physical activities keeps us healthy, makes us feel good and look good.also, eating heathly dosent mean skipping snacks intead,it is about controlling our trans fat intake.we also had to complete two challenges that was part of the worksheet.for one of the challenges we had to name ten sports continuously as a group and could not reapeat the sports that our friends had already mentioned. at first we kept repeating the common sports but we coordinated at the end and completed the challenge successfuly.soon we were ask to go to a workshop to check our answers.after that we were given some free time to walk around the place where we got our answers and tried some of the games there as well.on the whole, this activity was fun and engaging.

-Hannah (Sec 1)