Sunday 24 March 2013

Guides Activity on 27/03/13

Hi Guides!

Since this Friday is Good Friday, Guides activity will be on this coming Wednesday, 27/03/13 instead.

This wednesday activtiy will be the Sec1s enrolment ceremony so all of you are required to BRING your FULL UNIFORM(on a hanger) and BERET. (with all your SEWN badges)

You are to fall in in the concourse at 2.30PM sharp with GUIDES HALF UNIFORM(GREY GUIDES TEE AND BLUE SKIRT). (with Blue skirt on top of your PE SHORTS)You are to also report WITH PLAITS TIED NEATLY because time will not be given for you to tie your hair during the activity. Try to tie your hair during recess or before you come to school.
Please also ensure that your nails are cut, WHITE SOCKS up to 4 fingers high up your ankle, fringe clipped up etc. Ensure that you only use BLACK RUBBER BANDS/CLIPS and NOT WEAR EARRINGS when you report to activity because you are not allowed to don on these accessories when you are in full uniform.

Please remember to hydrate yourselves well the night before and in the morning on the day itself! :)

-CLs :D