Monday 15 July 2013

5-Point Test

Hello Guides! Please note that there'll be 5-point test this week! 
For Sec1s, please study:
-Outdoor 1.1, 1.2 (pg136-149) Please recap what you have learnt last Wednesday! :) This will be tested on 17 July(Wednesday)
-Home 1.2 (pg110-116) This will be tested on 19 July(Friday) 
For Sec2s, please study: 
-Home 2.1,2.3 (pg120-122, pg129, pg 130) Please remember to bring cloth, a sewing kit, paper and a pen. This will be tested on 17 July(Wednesday) :)
-Community 2.1, 2.2 (pg208-211) 

Study hard and do well ^o^

xoxo Hsin Chen ACL