Sunday 4 August 2013

Reflection for 2 August :)

On the 2nd of August, activity started off as usual. We greeted the seniors, had uniform check before doing row call. Subsequently, we drilled for a little bit before we went to the flagpole. There, we watched the seniors steady the large wooden pole in which the World flag is supposed to be hung. The seniors taught us how to set up the flagpole as we were already sec 2 and we had to learn how to do so on ourselves and not always rely on the seniors. :D After that, we had our 5-point test: HOME 2.1-2.2. It was about sewing a fruit.
We also learnt how to participate in a row call when you have the role of a patrol leader. It was really interesting. Overall, this guides activity was really exciting and I’m looking forward for the next activity!!  J

~Dinise Chng (Jasmine Patrol)
5 point test

working hard on sewing...