Saturday 3 August 2013

Reflection for 31 July :)

On 31st July  guides started off with falling in at 245. After greeting the seniors, uniform check and taking attendance, we proceeded to doing some drilling. After which we proceeded for our initiative, which is the Chocolate Candy & Wafer Making Initiative. We firstly split into our different coys and proceeded with sitting with our own patrols. Luckily my friends were excused from that day's oral so they could take part in this initiative. This was a fun initiative as we could bond with our patrol and learn how to make chocolate candy and wafer. After the initiative, we were asked to fall in at the concourse where we did our punishments which was doing hentak for 1.5min. Although it was tiring but as guides we should have the all for one, one for all spirit so as to be able to forge a closer friendship it is through hard times that we become closer to one another. I hope we will improve on our attire and drilling in time to come (-:

-Seow Khim, Mynah patrol

All the ingredients needed for an enjoyable afternoon:)

Everyone listening attentively...

Chocolate transfer sheet!

Chocolate in candy foil!

Preparing the wafer bar...

Spreading the chocolate onto the baking paper...

Letting it cool...

A picture to commemorate a wonderful afternoon spent :D