Sunday 18 August 2013

Reflections for 16thAugust

On friday, we fall in at the concourse at 2.30. As there was oral on that day, we could not time as loudly as we normally would. After greeting the seniors, we helped to carry the bags to the guides room. Then we spiltted into our East Division Day groups. As Ms Anisa was not present that day, we did not present our dance. Instead, we helped our seniors to put the service learning posters all over the school. When we finished, we practiced our dance steps in the guides room.

Awhile later, we were told to assemble at LT2 where Yong Yu, Hannah, Seow Khim and --- gave us a talk about the service learning activity. I find that the service learning project is very meaningful as we get the opportunity to help people who are not as fortunate as us. We can help them by giving them daily necessities that some might not have access to. By doing that, the people who received the stuff might not have to worry too much about whether they would have enough food to eat and so on. Seeing people happy makes me happy too! :D

When the talk ended, we gathered behind LT2 for a drilling competition! And Coy 1 won the competition by 0.5 points! :p I think that the competition was thrilling as I find it exciting to drill with the seniors and we never had such an experience before. It was fun to drill as a company together and compete with company 2. Though we made some mistakes, I think that we did quite well. I hope that there will be more of such competitions. xD Finally, the competition ended and the sec 1s and 2s split to different classrooms for our respective 5-point tests. Then the tests ended and we all sang taps before going home. The activity was enjoyable and I hope that guides will be more bonded!!! :)

~Huing Lee, Orchid Patrol