Sunday 18 August 2013

Week 8 guides activity

Dear guides,

For activity next Wednesday, we will be having a craft making session for the Gardens by the Bay - River of Life project. Below is a picture of what we will be making:

Green - Souring pad leaf, Orange -Felt/Fabric cloth leaf

As a school, we are required to submit 800 of these handmade leaves for an exhibition. Therefore, each patrol will be given 2 hours during the activity on Wednesday to contribute 100 leaves. [100 leaves/patrol].

Do remember to write your patrol name & CCHMS Guides 2013 on each of the leaf that your patrol contributes. This will allow visitors to the exhibition to identify the leaves that you made! You should label it on the side facing upwards as the leaves will be placed on a hammock and the lower side of the leave will not be seen.

As a patrol, please bring the following:
- 100 pieces of Felt cloth or Scrap cloth (do note that if the cloth are flimsy, you would have to sew two cloths together) or 100 pieces of scouring pad from used dish-washing sponge. Scouring pad refers to the thin, rough green portion of dish-washing sponges.
Scouring pad

- Colourful yarn/string to decorate the veins of leaves (enough to make 100 leaves for your patrol)
- 3 sets of non-toxic biodegradable paint/arcylic paint of at least 4 colours
- 3 paint palletes/containers (to contain paint or mix paint colours)
- 3 permanent pen (to label patrol & school name on each leaf)
- 3 stacks of newspaper to line the tables in the classroom

Note for patrol leaders: Do not assign just one guide to bring all 100 pieces of cloth/scouring pad. Distribute the numbers among your patrol members.

Individual items to bring: Every guide is required to bring the following individual items:
- 1 scissors
- 1 liquid glue (able to stick  fabrics/ felt together and also able to stick coloured yarn/string to leaf)
- At least 1 paint brush (size: fine) --> to decorate leaves

For the activity on Wednesday, each patrol will be given 3 sets of leave template to trace onto the fabric & also 6 instruction sheets.

For the activity on Friday, we will be making the PET flower bottles/Egg Carton flower.

PET bottle flowers
Egg Carton flowers

As a school, we would like to contribute 200 flowers. As such each patrol would have to submit 25 flowers (you can have a mixture of both PET and egg carton flowers) after the 1 hour craft making session Friday.

As a patrol, bring the following items:
- 25 plastic bottles with cap still on
- 1 cardboard egg carton
- Twine (enough for 25 flowers)
- Packet drinks boxes (emptied and washed)
3 sets of non-toxic biodegradable paint/arcylic paint of at least 4 colours
3 paint palletes/containers (to contain paint or mix paint colours)
3 permanent pen (to label patrol & school name on each leave)
2 pen knives
2 stacks of newspaper to line the tables in the classroom

Individual items to bring:
- 1 scissors
- 1 liquid glue (able to stick  fabrics/ felt together and also able to stick coloured yarn/string to leaf)
- At least 1 paint brush (size: fine) --> to decorate leaves

 Have fun guides! Let's work together to complete this project! Jia You!