Friday 18 October 2013

Reflection for 16 October

On Wednesday, we had to fall in at 2.30 as usual. After our roll call and uniform check, we drilled for a little while. Next, we had our ice-cream making initiative, YAY! The instructors came from ice cream skool. They are friendly and helpful. We were each given a hand out about the ingredients. The instructors did a demonstration on how to make the Milo ice-cream, I watched her do it excitedly, can't wait to start making.

The instructor said that as a group we are going to create our very own ice-cream flavours and would see who had created the most special one. My group, which consist of Lu Jing PL, Koh Qing PS, Esther, Hui Ting, Xiu Min and me, made chocolate coffee flavour, aka mocha flavour. We placed the ice-cream mixture into the Styrofoam box containing dry ice - waiting for the mixture to be harden. While we were waiting for the ice-cream to be frozen, they let us eat some ice-cream. Its really nice. Finally, all of our ice-cream had frozen and we got to eat it. Though my group's ice-cream may not have a nice look but it tastes really nice! I really enjoy this day!

Alicia Ong :)
Jasmine Patrol 

To start us off our own creations!

A very detailed demonstration from our instructors:)

Preparing our own wacky flavours :))

A must have scene: cleaning up!

Dry ice in place of a machine!

Everyone enjoying the ice-cream buffet:)))