Saturday 28 December 2013

Sec 3 Step-Up Programme 2014

Hello Sec 2s of 2013!!!

As mentioned in Cai Leng AQM's message to all of you, in preparation for the change of leadership in the second half of 2014, you will be organising the following events.Not all of you have been selected for what you wanted but please don't be discouraged! 

CCA Experience
Sec 1 Welcoming Party
Inter-Patrol Competition
Fund Raising
Service Learning 1
Service Learning 2
Service Learning 3
Cai Leng AQM
Jing Yu QM
Wei Ting AQM, Ying Ying ACL
Wei Ran AQM
Bing Pei CL
Hsin Chen ACL
Jazel CL
Jia Yi
Yong Yu
Kah Yin
Rachel Tan
Yu Qing
Esther Seow
Esther Loh
Wi En

Guan Min
Min Yi
Seow Khim
Qi Yi
Hui Ting
Xing Lin

Jun Wei
Zing Rong

Deadline for the first (typed) proposal to be submitted to your mentors:
Event 1: 3 January 2014
Events 2-7: 19 January 2014

Note for the 11 people involved in planning service learning projects:
  1. Find an organisation that requires our service. (Call/Email to enquire first.)
  2. Service must be beneficial to the organisation (ask the organisation what they would need, if they would prefer students aged 13-16 to be involved.)
  3. Service should not be based on fund raising only.
  4. Service should preferably be conducted over at least two 2.5-hour long sessions at the organisation.
  5. Sec 3 teams to discuss target group they wish to help and write up a brief proposal on what they wish to conduct for the target group.
  6. Group will bring at least 10 other CCHMS Sec 1 - 4 Guides for the service. (As much as possible, try to involve different Guides for 'Events 5-7', so that everyone gets to experience the act of volunteering.)
  7. All service learning projects must be completed between 1 February 2014 - 31 March 2014.

Work hard!
