Sunday 23 February 2014

Activity Details for 26/02/14

Hey Guides!

Here are the details for this Wednesday's activity!

For Sec 1s, please fall in at the concourse at 3pm in your Guides half-u (Grey tee and blue skirt, with white socks 4 fingers high), nails cut and hair pinned up etc. Do note that you should be wearing School PE shorts under your blue skirt. Please also read up on Outdoor 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 for your 5-Point in your Guides handbook.

 For the Sec 2s and 3s, you all will be heading to the Singapore Discovery Centre!!! Please fall in at the concourse at 2.30pm in your Orange Guides camp tee and your School Skirt. Those who have lessons that end at 2.30pm, please hurry down to the concourse. Do note that you should have had a heavy breakfast and packed some food for lunch. You'll be leaving your bags in the Guides room, so remember to bring a small backpack that contains your stationary, water bottle, packed lunch, and an A4 sized thing book as a backing for your reflections (booklets will be given out) 

Have a good rest and remember to hydrate yourselves!!

P.s; Those who have not handed in your WTD Poster (For the poster design competition, look back to the old post), please hand it in to your respective CL at 4 HM classroom (Old block second floor). For Sec 1s please hand it in on 26th Feb, Wednesday, during activity.

P.p.s; There's no activity on Friday due to X-country~~

hugs and kisses,
Hsin Chen ACl <3 br="" nbsp="">