Monday 3 February 2014

Reflection for 29 January

We had Guides on Wednesday (-: It was fun and tiring ^^ First, we fall in at the concourse.
We had our drilling next. I realized that our drilling was poor as CL was very angry with us for not drilling properly. Next, we had gadget making!:) I love gadget making most and planking. But the one with the most suffering is sit-ups! Because some of us did not cup our hands on our ears and some people did not shout, we had to go back to square zero which leads from doing 50 sit-ups to 60 plus:( I couldn't stand it before we completed and I wanted to do the finger exercise instead but I persevered and carry on and initially finished! ^^ It was the last cca session before Chinese New Year and I was very exited! Although I need to leave for tuition half way during planking, I was touch by the other Guides as many of them persevered and complete the planking exercise!

Grace Orchid patrol

Falling in...



Physical Training! Sit ups!
