Sunday 2 February 2014

Reflections from Wee Kim Wee Challenge (COY 2)

On 25th January, we participated in the Wee Kim Wee challenge together with seven other CCHMS Guides. Each team had to prepare a local dish and an international dish. The local dish (Sesagun) had to be prepared before coming for the challenge while the international dish had to be prepared at the competition venue. Our COY was tasked to prepare Sesagun and Coconut Cranberry Macaroons. We specifically prepared the Cranberry Macaroons on the day of the competition.

We faced many difficulties when we were preparing the macaroons. The original shape of the macaroons was triangular, and we found it very hard to perfect the triangular shape. The shape turned out very different from how it was supposed to look, but fortunately it still looked presentable.

We also had problems with the oven provided at the event venue as it was different from the ones we were used to. The macaroons, which usually took 16-20 minutes to turn golden-brown, were baked in 5 minutes. Fortunately, the inside of the macaroons turned out fine.

Upon reflection, we could have spent more time to improve on the decorations of the table to accompany our dishes. The other schools had put a lot of thought and effort into the presentation of their dishes. Their tables were so nicely decorated but since we were more focused on the preparation of our dishes, we overlooked the presentation aspect. We had to do some last minute work to make our presentation table look more presentable.

Although we did not get into the final round of the competition, it was an amazing experience and we really had fun! Despite the challenges faced, it was fun preparing the food together and trying out each other’s’ dishes, giving compliments and useful feedbacks to improve on our dishes. In our hearts, we know we had done ourselves proud.
 (Jia Yi & Qi Yi)

Who knew that one day we would be presenting to a panel of judges about a dish we did not know existed two weeks earlier? This challenge truly opened up our eyes to the opportunities ahead of us.

We prepared a traditional Malay dish, Sesagun, together at home. Sesagun is made of uncooked rice with coconut and other ingredients fried to a golden brown finish. It was really difficult to find the recipe for the Sesagun online and we had to search for the cookbook by Mrs Wee Eng Hwa at the library.

After practicing, we finally knew how to prepare our dish. We could not help but feel proud of the Sesagun we prepared ourselves and brought to the competition venue in intricately designed paper.

After South Division completed their segment, we started preparing the decorations and practicing our scripts. We were very anxious as it was our first time participating in a cooking competition. As we looked at the nicely decorated tables of the other teams, we could not help feeling a pinch of jealousy. Although at the back of our minds we knew that we would not stand a chance of entering the finals, we still did our very best. Everything turned out better than expected.

This whole experience was enjoyable and fun. Not winning, was not an issue. The unforgettable experience bonded us a Guides family. We forged better friendships and learned a lot of valuable experience. We hope to have more chances to participate in such competitions in the future.

Chung Cheng Girl Guides No. 1:)

(Hannah & Seow Khim)