Saturday 15 February 2014

Sec 2 and 3 Guides look here too!

Hello Guides! 

You guys will be going on a field trip to the Singapore Discovery Centre on 26th of February (Wednesday)! Aren't you all excited? (----: 

Please have a heavy breakfast and pack some food for lunch! (either bring from home or buy during recess)

On this day of activity, you guys have to assemble at the concourse by 2.30p.m. in your Orange camp tee and School skirt. Those who have lessons that end at 2.30p.m. , please hurry down to the concourse. 

Do note that you will be leaving your school bag in the guides room, so do bring along a small backpack for your : 
         1. Stationery
         2. Water bottle 
         3. Packed lunch 
         4. An A4 sized thin book as a backing for your reflections (Booklet will be given) 

You guys will be given a consent form on this and please pass it to Wei Ting AQM before 19th Febuary. (This is a DEADline) 

Thank you and have a good rest! 
Jing Yu QM (---: