Tuesday 15 April 2014

Reflection for 11 April:)

Reflection for 11/04/2104
Sec 4 seniors are stepping down and today marks their last activity with us ): Hey, but the sec1s are officially our guides family too! Before the sec 3 fall in, we had to adjust the flagpole. We could have improved on our time management as we took rather long to set up the flagpole, and s0me seniors have to step in to guide us too. Due to the bad weather condition, enrollment ceremony had to be conducted indoors. It’s been a long time since we formed a horseshoe formation and it’s our first time doing it with the sec1s. There were some changes to the procedures too (Remember to follow your PLs  J) Finally, it’s time for our mini farewell party to the sec4s! The candles in the hall represents the little guiding light of mine, ,shining brightly in the dark lecture hall. Sec 4 seniors have followed their own guiding light to where they are today, and now it is the sec3s turn. The video brought back many memories, the ups and downs in guides. Everyone was so emotional, even the sec2s were crying (‘:Don’t worry sec4 seniors, I believe that sec3s can continue to bring guides to greater height, we still have POP! Even though you guys will not be with us during activity but we will still remember you all as part of our family. Once a guide, forever a guide. Do visit us often!


Rachel Tan, sparrow patrol 

Falling in...

Farewell Party!