Monday 5 May 2014

EEC Course 16 May (change in timing) and 23 May (no change in timing)

Dear Secondary 2 Guides,

Please note that there will be a change in the timing for Energy Efficiency Course (EEC) for 16 May. The course is now from 9 - 11am at PSA Building instead of 3-5pm. Please note that there will be no transport provided. You can choose to meet directly at lobby of PSA builing at 8.50am or at labrador MRT at 8.40am.

Things required for 16 May: You must bring a calculator and a copy of your family's electricity & utility bill as you will be taught how to make some calculations and be given an assignment based on it.

The schedule for the second day of the course (23 May) has no changes. It will be from 3 - 5pm and transport will be provided. Meet at the concourse at 2pm and bus will leave by 2.15pm. There will also be a bus back to school, after which you will resume with normal Guides activity for the day.

Ms Juni