Sunday 29 June 2014

Important dates!!

Hello guides :-) These are information on your 5-point tests. Please study in advance alright!! JIAYOU ;)

5-point test


Personal and Social Development 1.2 and 1.4 (practical)
International 1.1and 1.2 (written)
10 July
Outdoor 1.1 and 1.2 (practical)
24 July
Outdoor 1.3 and 1.4 (practical)
31 July
Community 1.1, 1.3 and 1.4 (practical)
21 August

To be completed at home:
Tasks to be completed
Submission date
Personal and Social Development 1.1
Make a healthy sandwich and state the ingredients.
10 July
Personal and Social Development 1.5
Take a picture of their outfit to match the event assigned to them
15 July
Personal and Social Development 1.3
Make a poster with slogan to show etiquette while eating
22 July
Community 1.5
Take a picture of themselves showing care for public property
29 July
Home 1.3
Draw a picture of their room. Take a picture of the actual room and attach the picture to the drawing
5 August
Community 1.2
Research on place assigned and state directions
12 August


Outdoor 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 (practical)
10 July
Community 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 (practical and written)
24 July
Home 2.2 (practical)
31 July
International 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 (practical and written)
21 August

Sec 3 badge work test dates

Dental Health
1.      Know the structure and function of teeth.
2.     Make a model or chart of a tooth with whatever materials that can be used.
3.     Know the various oral hygiene aids and their correct use.
4.     Know the importance of good nutrition for good dental health.
5.     Name 6 foods which contain free sugars and how they affect dental health.
6.     Demonstrate how a younger child can be taught to practice good oral hygiene.
Project:        Do a dental health project e.g. scrapbook, essay, poster, class talk at school, Company, Pack etc.
Component 1 to 6 will be test in the form of a group skit

Each group will consists of 4 to 5 sec 3 guides. The performance of the skit will be on 28 August 2015. All props such as  model or chart on tooth must be prepared beforehand. Scripts for the skit must contain all the needed information for component 1 to 6.
Thrift Badge
1.     Having a savings account of at least 3 months’ standing and show that she has added to it regularly from her savings or pocket money.
2.     Bring a certificate from her parents stating that she is not wasteful in the home and is keeping her belongings in good condition.
3.     Bring to the test an article that proves that she is thrifty. E.g. repairing toys or equivalent.
Answer questions on the real meaning of thrift and keep a notebook over a period of at least a month of ways in which she is able to put thrift into practice.
Sec 3 guides to submit a photostated copy of their saving bank account that shows saving increase for a period of 3 month on 5 August to Yixuan and Mindy.

Sec 3 guides will start the notebook on expenditure for the month of August and submit the notebook to Yixuan and Mindy on 02 Sept.

Sec 3 guides must also submitted the test article for component 3 to Yixuan and Mindy on 2 Sept.
Map Reader Badge
1.     Understand the meaning of:
1.1          Conventional mapping signs;
1.2          Scale;
1.3          National Grid (in use on Ordnance Survey maps)
2.     Show how to use a compass (sixteen points); find direction by the sun and stars.
3.     Be able to find the way from one point to another, following;
3.1          A street map;
3.2          An Ordnance Survey map.
4. One of these to be selected by the tester for demonstration.
4.1          Set a map;
4.2          Make a sketch map from a description given by the tester;
4.3          Write a description from an Ordnance Survey map of a 5km to 8km walk, chosen by the tester
Bring a self-made map of a small area chosen previously by the tester.
Students will be tested on components 1 to 4 on 31 July.