Saturday 26 July 2014

Reflection for 16th July

On the 16th of July , us coy 1 sec ones took our international 1.1 and 1.2 5-point written test. Thankfully, it was easier than expected. Before we took the test, we were tasked to tie a clove hitch followed by a square lash ( which was very loosely tied). After the tests, we did turfing. I was actually a bit embarrassed as my hit was accurate some of the time and it always seems that I have no strength ( I really need to work on that). When we finally turfed out the ground (with the seniors help), we had to start a fire. I felt that my group did not do that much as Carrie CL and Eunice PL mostly help us if lighting the fire and coaching us on how to light the fire (which unfortunately did not go too well as the fire kept dying out). After all the tiring stuff, we had some games to help us know each other better. I feel that today was fun and enriching as not only did I learnt how to start a fire properly, we got to know each other more (especially the names of the sec 2 seniors.

Chrystal Lim, Jasmine Patrol