Friday 31 October 2014

East Division Day 2014! :-D

hello Guides!!! are y'all excited to start your first day of November with EDD? :))

please fall in @ the concourse at 7am in half uniform (edited). Only those who are in the yeoman services will wear FULL UNIFORM. 

i suggest you guys to explain the meaning behind your product ((how it's related to the theme etc)) and a name for it? :) bring all the materials needed for your respective competitions and all the best; make us proud (-;

all are to stay back to clear the areas used; you guys will be dismissed by 3pm lastest!

***please check this post a second time at 9pm later tonight as it'll be further edited***
We will inform u of the people in yeoman and their roles! (:

love, ALL DA TOP4S LA (;

Wednesday 15 October 2014

EDD Allocations(:

hi guides! here are your allocated spots in the East Division Day Competition. Pls check and make sure that you know which competition that you are taking part in and the details of the competition. You can refer to the previous post for more details. Also work tgt with the seniors and cooperate with them!!! We will guide you in the competition especially the sec 1s(:

For those that did not send the seniors your choices, you guys have been randomly allocated to any available spots for the competition. Please try to reply to the seniors' message as we will have a hard time collating the results! 

Some of the spots have been changed so pls refer closely. Tks!

Emcees: Yong Yu and Kah Yin
Runners/ Refreshments: Katherine, Mikaela, Kar Man, Valerie, Xue Wei
Registration ICs: Esther Seow, Faith, Joey
Ushers:  Jovin, Shannon Effendi, Natalie, Yi Xuan, Zhi Xin, Hazel, Alicia, Rui Qi

Scrapbook Making
Coy 1: Hui Ting, Xiu Min, Wei Qi
Coy 2: Elissa, Zhi NIng, Jovin

Mini Gadget
Coy 1: Hannah, Rachel Ng, Jun Ting, Carina
Coy 2: Seow Khim, Qi Yi, Natalie, Jean

Dessert Making
Coy 1: Carrie, Shannon Soh
Coy 2: Rachel Tan, Zhi Xin

Recycled Toy
Coy 1: Eunice, Hazel
Coy 2: Adelle Wee, Yun Ning

Fashion Show
Coy 1: Yu Qing, Rui Qi
Coy 2: Wi En, Jia Xuan

Jia Yi, Li Ying, Mary, Megan, Alicia, Yvette, Rui Jia, Shannon Effendi, Yu Jia, Chevvone

Choral Instrument
Jun Wei, Dinise, Annabelle, Janice, Wen Yi, Yi Xuan


Zing Rong, Xin Lin, Sheena, Jin Yun, Claire, Melise, Laura, Calista, Chrystal

For runners and refreshments, you guys will help the guiders and offer refreshments to the guides that will be coming to our school. For the registration ICs, you guys will receive instructions on what to do at a later date. For Ushers, you guys will be ushering the guides to their respective rooms for the competition but you will still participate in the competition itself. You will also be ushering the group of guides in the same competition as you. More instructions will be given!

Excited??!! Just do your very best in your individual competitions and work tgt with your team mates! 

any questions, you can ask kah yin ACL @81113843

top 4s <33 p="">

Sunday 12 October 2014

Acitvity Resumes! 15 Oct '14


EOY just ended and I hope you guys have a good break during the weekends! Guides activity will resume this Wednesday 15 October and you will be having your 8th initiative, STAMP MAKING! Please remember to bring a Penknife and a piece of blank paper per person and be prepared for the next Guides Activity!

Please fall in at the concourse at 3.15pm in your half uniform (Grey tee blue skirt)

FYI there is NO ACTIVITY this Friday as it is results processing day. 15October will be the last activity for the year (thereally is still November camp though!!) So cherish the last activity and make the best other of it (:

SEE YA THERE and stay healthy even though exams are over :)

TOP 4s <3

Friday 3 October 2014

East Division Day 2014!!!


this year's EDD will be held in our school!!! attendance is compulsory & consent forms will be given out soon :)

Venue: Chung Cheng High Main
Date: 1 November 2014
Time: 0800 - 1230
Theme: Metamorphosis - A New Era

All competition items MUST follow the theme and an explanation of how it follows the theme must be clearly demonstrated in writing during judging.
1) Dance
- maximum of 3 minutes
- 1 team of maximum 10 members per COY
2) CheerLeading
- maximum of 3 minutes
- 1 team of maximum 10 members per COY
3) Desert Making
Theme: Butterfly
- 1 team of maximum 2 members per COY
- write up of dish and how it follows the theme of butterfly must be given together with breakdown of budget of maximum $10 must be
- preparation of dessert must be done on that day itself and must be completed in 1 hour 30 minutes
4) Fashion Show
- 1 team per COY
- maximum 2 members per team; 1 participant to be the model
- short write up must be handed in
- preparation has to be done on the actual day within 1 hour 30 minutes
5) Mini Gadgets Competition
- 1 team per COY
- each team of not more than 4 people
6) Choral/Instrumental
- 1 team per COY
- each team consist of 5-8 members
- each performance must be about 3-5 minutes
7) Recycled Toy
- 1 team per COY
- maximum 2 people per team
- Preparation on actual day within 1 hour 30 minutes
8) Scrapbook Making
- 1 team per COY
- maximum of 3 participants per team

since we're hosting EDD this year, we need 17 Yeomen Service People that will not participate in the competition
- 2 emcees
- 4 registration booth ICs
- 8 runners/ushers (( to check whether any Guiders in the competition room needs help))
- 3 refreshments ICs
For those who are going for yeoman service, u will not be able to join the various competitions

Sec 1s to text Yuqing ACL
Sec 2s to text Carrie CL
Sec 3s to text Rachel CL

please text us your top 3 catergories you're interested in (and if you want you vounteer for yeoman service) by 8 October 2014 9pm, it will be first come first serve, however, we'll assign the final groupings to make sure that every group has guides from each level! :-)

thank you <3

loveeee, TOP 4s

2015 World Thinking Day! :-D

GGS Commemorates SG50 : Celebrating our Roots.  The theme is aligned to our nation’s 50th year of independence. 

To create greater awareness and to promote the theme for 2015, units are encouraged to participate in the Banner Design, Campfire Stunt/Skit, Dance, Gateway Design and Yarn competitions.

You all can bring along a 1 dollar coin to be donated! It's a tradition for every WTD to do so we hope to continue it!

WHEN: Saturday, 28 February 2015 
VENUE: Methodist Girls’ School 
Time: from 1800hrs to 2030hrs.  

The various instructions for the different categories are sent to all already, please refer to that! The DEADLINE for submission is 14 Jan 2015. (Please note the change in date, it is different from what is told before) 

GOOD LUCK IN PREPARING FOR YOUR VARIOUS COMPETITION! Hope you all will put in your best effort, remember what Rachel cl said in the message (:

Top4s (: