Monday 10 November 2014

Duty Roster

Hello Guides!! (-:

Please follow this duty roster and help out with the cleaning of the Guides room! We will have to clean the room once every 3 weeks (on Thursdays), and we will take turns according to your patrols. Please bring the necessary items for your individual task (eg cloth) and if you are unable to go please inform us beforehand so we can make necessary arrangements. If you have any queries feel free to ask your QMs!! We will print this checklist and it will be pasted on the Guides room door and please tick it when you've completed your task. Please report on time at 3pm in either your uniform or pe attire outside the Guides room and it will end at about 4.30pm. When you are done with your task, do help out with others that need help!!

Instructions for different tasks:

  • Wiping of windows- ensure all window panes and grills are cleaned
  • Wiping of cupboards- ensure all surfaces of cupboards are cleaned, including metal cupboard which keeps firewood (both inner and outer sides)
  • Sweeping of floor- ensure all areas are swept (including under the area under the tables, the corners, space around equipment)
  • Wiping of frames and organising metal drawer- ensure all photo frames (those on top of cupboards with the Guides law etc) and sort out items inside metal drawer (dispose expired items and items not fit to be used)
  • Organising of gadget poles- ensure all gadget poles are packed with the right sizes, in bundles of 10 poles (if unsure of how to tie, ask QM present), make sure it is neatly arranged 
  • Organising contents of cupboards- ensure items inside are arranged neatly/stacked neatly
  • Cleaning and organising of benches and tables- ensure there are no items placed on the table, ensure the chairs are arranged neatly and surface of chairs and table are cleaned, help out to clean surfaces of cupboards 
That's all and rest well!! See you guys during camp (-:

lav Seow Khim & Hannah QM