Wednesday 14 January 2015


hello!!! great to have you guys back in the Guides family (-;
as mentioned earlier before activity started, this Friday's attire will be GUIDES FULL UNIFORM which also means you guys have to iron your scarf, sew on badges if you've yet to, and fall in at the concourse at 3:15pm sharp! Hair should also be tied & sprayed neatly and socks 4 fingers high, nails trimmed.
please remember to submit your WTD by Friday! Type out your writeup in the document that Rachel CL has sent to one of your members in the team ((mostly Sec 3s other than Chevvone's team)) so check your emails, insert your banner/gateway pictures and email to For those in dance/campfire skit, remember to burn your edited video into a disk and pass it to Rachel CL at 4LY ((HaoRan Building Level 3 nearer to lakeside)) before FRC on Friday. thank you and rest well!
CLs <3>