Tuesday 20 January 2015


sup Guides! :D hope everyone is still surviving well for school haha
anyways on Wednesday, 21st Jan, please fall in at the concourse at 315pm sharp in your Guides half uniform with cchms shorts underneath your skirt! Make sure your fingernails are cut, socks are 4 fingers up high, cord placed at the seam and that the buckle of the belt can be seen. Do remember to unsew your world thinking day badge and pass to either QMs. See you guys :-)
on Friday, 23rd Jan, please fall in in FULL Guides uniform with cchms shorts underneath skirt. ***from now onwards Guides are expected to wear their full Guides uniform at least once a week*** by then you guys should have done all the changes that are supposed to be made/ told to be made. Hang your grey tee on the hanger at the concourse before falling in.

  • Berets placed in pockets before falling in.
  • Hair are supposed to be tied and sprayed; short hair Guides to make sure that their hair will not cover the Crest.
  • Company Tags one finger spacing from seam.
  • Badges are to be sewn in a straight line in 3s, starting for the right side of your sleeve.
  • Ends of scarfs are supposed to be ironed straight for puffing effect. Do appropriate adjustments before tying so that the Crest will not be slanted.
  • The 3 badges (Trefoil, World Badge, and award badge), when pinned, are to be in a diagonal straight line. Re-sew your patrol emblem if it does not permit the stated requirement.
  • Trefoil MUST be polished.
  • Shirt must be tucked in so that buckle of belt can be seen.
  • Socks required to pulled 4 fingers up high.
Feel free to consult any of the seniors if you're unsure about anything/ to see if your uniform fits the above requirements. (:

love, top 4s and CCA experience team :-)