Thursday 12 March 2015



great job it's almost the end of the week and CTs are about to end!!(; I guess everyone is super eggcited for cca hahaha finally a break from studying rite!

Okk so here's the plan:

this fri you will be going to Discovery centre for your total defence badge work! please be cooperative and listen to ma'am (especially cause she's v sick but she will still go with U guys)

Reporting time: 2.50pm at concourse
Attire: red PE shirt and school skirt
Materials to bring: valuables and a pen
RMB to place your bags in Guides Room beforehand!

sec 3&4

Reporting time as usual
Attire: half U with shorts underneath

Sec 3 will be having your flagpole test on Friday so please revise! Hope that all of you will pass with flying colours ((like your CTs))
Please clarify any doubts about canvas tent pitching / flagpole with your seniors(:

Reminder: for your service learning project!!! I'm really glad that some of you are going to execute your plan this March holidays. For those who are not ready, what are you waiting for? Hurry!! March holidays is the best time to do service learning project man :p
Don't forget U have your mentor to help you thru(;

Attire: Red pe and skirt!

Hope to see U during cca(;
Top4s <3 br="" nbsp="">