Saturday 22 August 2015

EDD 2015 !!!!

Hi guides !! Here are some reminders regarding EDD !!

For the COY 1 and COY 2 performance teams, you have to finish up and know exactly what you are performing by this Wednesday,  26th August. Some things you'll need to think about are:

  • Music
  • Dance steps
  • Skit (if you are planning on doing a small one)
  • Costumes related to the theme
For the gadgets, toy making, fashion show and fridge magnet groups, please do prepare these few points by this Wednesday, 26th August as well !!

  • A drawing of your design, COLOURED
  • Items you need to purchase
  • How you plan on making it from scratch
For the dessert making, you have to come up these few items, by Wednesday, 26th August as well!!
  • Recipe 
  • Items you need to purchase
If you have anything to ask, please text your CLs!! Also, if your group decides to meet up, please do inform the Sec 3s (both supervisors and participants) where you guys will be meeting up and the time! JIAYOUS AND LETS WIN SOMETHING THIS YEAR!!
sec 3s !!!