Tuesday 12 January 2016

first week of activities!!

hello guides !! the first week of activity is finally here!!


please fall in at the concourse at 3:15PM sharp in your HALF GUIDES UNIFORM. make sure your nails are trimmed, hair pinned up nicely and your white socks are up to standard!! PLEASE DO WEAR PE SHORTS FOR ACITIVTY TOMORROW!!
there will be sec 1s coming to join us for cca trails during the next two weeks so please do welcome them!!


please fall in at the concourse at 3:15PM sharp in your FULL GUIDES UNIFORM!! makre sure you have your badges polished, hair braided neatly and etc, in other words, your uniform shoud be up to standard!! :-) please bring along your beret as well :-)

***please do read the prev post on WTD 2016!!

sec 4s!!