Monday 22 February 2016

Week 8's Acitivity !!


pls fall in at the concourse in your half guides uniform at 3:15pm.

Sec 1s and 2s, please be in your half SCHOOL attire (PE shirt and shorts with sch skirt)!!

Sec 2s, pls reminded you'll be visiting the Discovery Science Centre !! but pls bring along your guides full uni (includes beret)

all to bring your water bottles!!!


pls fall in at the concourse in your full guides uniform at 3:25pm with your badges polished and nails cut!!

sec 4s

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Week 7's activity !!!!

Hi Guides !! Please report to the concourse in your half guides uniform at 3.10pm sharp. Please be reminded that the dismissal time on friday will be around 5 - 5.15pm. 
Sec 2s are to bring your FULL GUIDES UNIFORM along on friday. 
Good luck for the rest of your papers and rest well :))

- sec 4s✨✨

Thursday 11 February 2016

Week 6 activity !!!

Hi Guides !!! Hope all of you had a very nice break during cny 💮💮

Please fall in by 3.25pm tomorrow at the concourse in your FULL GUIDES UNIFORM !! Rest well and please hydrate yourself ( and eat !! ) before coming for cca tomorrow :)) thankyou !! ( sorry for the late update 😔 )

pls bring along ur wtd forms signed and pass it to ur pls during roll call!!

Sec 4s

Monday 1 February 2016

Week 5's Activities!!


please fall in the concourse in your half guides uniform at 3:15pm!! bring along your water bottles as well :-) 

sec 4 COY 2s, please prepare your FBM magazine covers!! :-)


there is no cca this week so rest well !! :-)

but please make sure your badges are sewn in the correct order by the next fri activity!!

HQ badges (e.g Speakers badge, Thrift badge, First aid badges) (( black ones )) should be sewn on the left and Profficiency badges ( e.g Energy efficient, Total defence, health trooper) should be sewn on the right !!

Start from the front of the sleeve, nearest to the fold, like this
Once one row is completed, you can continue from the back, again starting from nearest to the fold :-))

For HQ badges, a max of 3 badges to be sewn in one row!!

Here's also the world song tune for your own reference!!

World song

Our way is clear as we march on
And see our flag on high
Is never furled throughout the world
For hope shall never die
We must unite for what is right
In friendship true and strong
Until the earth in its rebirth
Shall sing our song
Shall sing our song

All those who loved the true and good,
Whose promises were kept
With humble minds whose acts were kind
Whose honour never slept
Those were the free and we must be
Prepared like them to live
To give to all both great and small
All we can give
All we can give

Please learn it by Wednesday !! :-))
if you need more references: click here for it!!
