Wednesday 25 May 2016

thank you !!!

on behalf of all the sec 4s 2016,

we would like to thank every single one of chung cheng Guides for organising this pop for us !!

sec 3s, we can see the amount of effort that you have put in for us and we're very thankful !! you'll definitely get a pop as amazing as ours bcs i trust the sec 2s hehe :-) the notebooks, paperbags, the cake, the buffet will always be appreciated !! special thanks to zhixin and jovin for coordinating the events, katherine and jieyun for being such engaging emcees !! love you guys ttm <3 p="">
sec 2s, prepare a pop as great and amazing as what your sec 3s seniors have prepared for us and we'll be there to see it nect year :)

lastly, we would like to thank the ex seniors fro gracing the event !! you've been missed dearly :(

all the best to the new batch of seniors and i hope that everyone of you can work well with your peers and i look forward to seeing cchms Guides moving to greater heights !!

continue spreading the Guiding light for all of us here and we'll miss you dearly.

signing out,

liyng x cl

Tuesday 24 May 2016

cca phototaking !!

hi guides !! our phototaking will be at 4:10PM at the concourse nearer to the lake :-)

pls be in full guides uniform and it should be up to standard !!

pls fall in at the concourse as 3:25PM, including the sec 4s for the attire check !!

the sec 4s will be taking the front seat tmr so look extra good friends !!


liying x cl (:

Monday 16 May 2016

first week after myes!!


sec 1s and 2s, there will not be any cca for you on wednesdays so rest well !!

sec 3s, please report to ms tan at the guides room at 3:15PM  to 4PM !!


sec 1s to 4s, please fall in at the concourse in your FULL GUIDES UNIFORM !! it will be pop on friday so pls make sure your uniform is up to standard !! :)

see you all on friday !!

for the last time,


sec 4s. :)